23 JUNE 1860, Page 21


The central school of art for women, when first established, occupied rooms in Somerset House. and was superintended by Mrs. Mon, a lady who has since distinguished herself in pictorial art ; subsequently the school, being cramped for room, was removed to premises in the Strand, but of such a meagre and confined nature that it soon became necessary to engage larger rooms, where the young people could pursue their studies without such evident and unnecessary risk to their health. The house in Gower Street was then taken, and Miss Louisa Gann, a superior pupil of the school, so well exercised her duties as instructress and directress that the students carried off the largest proportion of the prizes awarded by the Council. The school has received a Government grant of 500/. per annum up to the present time ; but notice having been given that this would not be continued (we were going to say, in conse- quence of the great success of the students) efforts have been made to raise a building fund by subscription, and thus enable the school to escape the expense of house-rent. The sum subscribed was 7001. before the eonversazione of Thursday evening last at the South Kensington Museum, and we trust we may congratulate the ladies, and Miss Gann especially, on the whole sum of 20001. being now at hand, as the attend- ance amounted to a complete demonstration in favour of the inktitution. Lord Shaftesbury gave an address, urging the support of the school, and a very beautiful collection of ancient and modern jewellery was lent by various collectors and manufacturers, to be added to the many works of art contained in the museum. The renowned diamond, "the Mountain of Light" was contributed by the Queen, besides other set jewels of immense value. Mr. Hope's blue diamond, the Devonshire cameos, Mr. John Webb's and Mr. Waterton's old and antique jewels, and Mr. trzielli's collection of antiques, with some fine specimens of cut crystal vessels, were amongst the best of the collection. An antique gold neck- lace found at Thebes, and belonging to Lord H. Scott, was one of the

• most precious and beautiful of the antique examples; but there were so many ether objects of great interest that we hope the collection may be allowed to be shown again.

We have been favoured by an old subscriber with an explanation of the inscription upon the so-cafted Raffaelle-. in the British Institution, who says the dialect seems to be that of Provence, and in French the inscription-ma. VBLIA. car. BIEN. EIMA-would read " oublie tard qui hien aime " or, in proper Italian, " Tardi ubblia chi ben ama."