23 JUNE 1894, Page 15


[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR?'] Sza,—I have read with much interest the stories in the Spectator of the sagacity of animals. The following, I think, is worth recording :—The chief-engineer of the Midland and South-Western Junction Railway, Mr. J. R. Shopland, C.E , has a spaniel that frequently accompanies him or his sons to their office. On Saturday last this dog went to Marlborough from Swindon by train with one of Mr. Shopland's clerks, and walked with him to Savernake Forest. Suddenly the dog was missing. The creature had gone back to the station at Marl- borough and taken a seat in a second-class compartment. The dog defied the efforts of the railway officials to dislodge him. When the train reached Swindon he came out of the carriage and walked quietly to his master's residence.—I am, Sir, &c.,