23 JUNE 1923, Page 9




THE Times contained a significant cable message from its Toronto correspondent on June 16th in which that authority described the change that has recently taken place in the attitude of Canadian manu- facturers towards fiscal problems. At the meeting of the Canadian Manufacturers' Association last week the general sentiment appeared to be in favour of increased Protection, no further Preference for Great Britain unless we give some quid pro quo, and no reciprocity with the United States—in contradistinction to the policy of the Liberal Government, whose spokesman, Mr. Fielding, the Minister of Finance, made the following statement on the Budget motion at Ottawa :— " I declare to-day that we stand for reciprocity with the United States. We are proud to declare, in face of the Parliament of Canada, that, whatever its fate may be, this Liberal Party stands or reciprocity with the United States when it can get a fair and reasonable agreement."