23 JUNE 1928, Page 3

The Prime Minister visited Scotland - last week. - -

On Friday. he unveiled a window in Helensburgh Church to the memory of Mr. Bonar Law, whose simple integrity and gentle loyalty he warmly and justly praised. On Saturday he made a political speech near _Edinburgh. He congratulated Scotland on the progress now visible in. housing, and on the Church of Scotland Property and Endowments - Act, making legally effective the union of the Established and the -United Free Kirks. (We regret that Mr. Baldwin did .not pay a tribute to the labours of that great Scottish Conservative,. Lord Balfour of Burleigh, to whom more than anyone else are due the union and the spirit in which it has come about.) He proceeded to expound the changes in rating which follow from the Budget proposals. The Government's legislation, he. claimed, was a serious and consistent. effort to adjust anomalies that had grown up and to introduce methods by which the basic exported industries, now the most depressed, and agriculture (when a Scottish Bill is passed analogous to the Agricultural Credits Bill now before Parliament) would receive large relief without the insult of a dole. * * * *