23 JUNE 1928, Page 3

There is still great anxiety about the crew of the

` Italia,' General Nobile's airship stranded in the Arctic regions. , Wireless communication has been established, and one party of 'them has been seen from the air. That is, however, only a preliiiinait success. The work of rescuing them- has yet to be begun. - Life upon shifting and thawing ice must be dangerous and unpleasant to a degree that we can scarcely imagine. Elsewhere there have been triumphs in the air. The flight of the Austra- lian, Captain Kingsford-Smith, and his companions from North America to Australia included the longest passage ever made over open sea, namely, the stage from Hawaii to Fiji. The Atlantic has again been crossed from West to East, from Newfoundland to Wales, this time by an American, Mr. Stultz, in a seaplane. His success was marked by the fact that one of his companions was a woman, the first to survive a transatlantic flight.