23 MARCH 1833, Page 2

The trial of BENOIST and BERGERON, for shooting at the

King of the French, has terminated in their acquittal, as was expected. The evidence against them appears to have been very vague and there is something about the whole affair which looks like trickery. The persons who landed from the brig Carlo Alberto with the Dutchess DE BERRI, last spring, have also been acquitted. Cer- tainly, no Government has been more unfortunate in their State prosecutions than that of Louts PHILIP.

It is said that Pozzo DI BORGO has been making some angry remonstrances with the Duke DE BROGUE respecting the spirited interference of the French Admiral at Constantinople. This is not unlikely. The disappointment to the Russian Emperor, who must have felt Turkey almost within his friendly grasp, is unquestion- ably very severe. The open conquest of that country may yet be deferred for a good many years; and such an opportunity for quietly garrisoning Constantinople may never occur again.