23 MARCH 1839, Page 11

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Oa tile 14111 as :)..1 c 3.1 Vfl ANN, :tenet o: 0,, late Thumies.lert EStl.,011t. of 11,-. NI: , ;•:,1 year. On the 1::+th . al Ta .,' h,is,, lt,,v. sore 31, „,,:„ Olt th,• 22i11 ot. .1 -•,i. nc 1.-.1.. hi-, \Voodoo- I C.:tom., 1.'ori to uever ciohhht, 1..1 1St' son ol 111,. IA.. 1,11Q, Junes, Esti.. or 11fatision • k4le•et On the isdi Ii,elpool. a fi•se inter hi,s in-is-el trons ealsellts. TIIONI AS S. \I-11.1.1'1,T, if her Con-tit at i i 1,5-.-1611 year.

On the leali an'kr 18 hours of iota .se ,ifirering fe,all a nisitstre or the stomaeli,

at the hums, or Sti,, Vollhony. or STEfilif,N Esq., Saviliati Pro femur 01 Astronomy at the CIIINertiity ut Oxford, in 'Usti:els year. ci,' • ;," - dl ' stalll

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