23 MARCH 1850, Page 20


Tuesday, March 19.

PARTNERSHIPS DtssoLvm.—Brothers and Ferris, Exeter, haberdashers—Mitchell and Heaton, Liverpool. printers—Walker and Co. Radcliffe Bridge, Manchester. dyers—Brookman and Bence, Great Pearl Street, Spitalfields, pork-butchers—J. L. and R. F. Thomas, Exeter, tallow-chandlers--Briton Ferry Iron Company, Briton Ferry, Glamorganshire—Chavasse and Blake, Birmingham, surgeons—Cook and Pine, Bristol, tea-dealers—Lucas and Bennett, Trinity Terrace, Trinity Square. corn-merchants—J. and C. Dean, Liverpool, sack-manufacturers—Wilkin and Pot- ter, Wellingborough, booksellers—W. and W. May, Bread Street, silk-manufacturers —A. J. and G. Amoore, Hastings. grocers—Brown and Dixon, Marlborough, wine- merchants—Hamp and Co. Hereford, bankers; as far as regards K. Hoskins—T. Ainsley and S. C. Harrison, Sunderland, drapers—Pratten and Waterman, Bristol, bootmakers—Dunbar and Co. Glasgow; as far as regards J. Reid—MacLachlan and Co. Edinburgh, booksellers; as far as regards D. Stewart. Ruricare-re.—Jsams HARBIDGE (and not HARBRIDOE, as advertised in last Friday's Gazette), Islip, Oxfordshire, miller, to surrender March 23, April 27: solicitors, Berry, Southampton Buildings ; Druce, Oxford ; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers—Joan SPICER, Barking, blacksmith, March 25, April 29: solicitor, Rawlings, John Street, Bedford Row, and Romford ; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street—Crum-es Com, Hornchureh, builder, March 25, April 29 : solicitor, Rawlings, John Street, Bedford Row, and Romford ; official assignee, Graham, Cole- man Street—J oar+ BARTON SALOONS, Cannon Street, share-broker, April 11, 26: so- licitors, Goddard and Eyre, Wood Street; official assignee, Edwards, Sambrook Court—JoxN BEDFORD, Bath , musicseller, March 30, April 30 : solicitor, Hellings, Bath ; official assignee, Miller, Bristol—Wri.msis GORE, Liverpool, wheelwright, April 3, 23 : solicitor, Bradley, Liverpool; official assignee, Cazenove, LiverpooL DIVIDENDS.—April 11, Buddle, Irongate Wharf, Paddington, timber-merchant- April 11, Pope, St. Philip and St. Jacob, Gloucestershire, copper-manufacturer- April 9, Colville , Liverpool, commission-agent—April 18, Hodge, Colyton, Devon- shire, currier—April 18, Daniell. Boulogne, copper-smelter. exirriew.ams.-7b be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of ineeting.—April 9, Christy and Co. Rotherhithe, engineers—April 10, J. and W. Chisholm, Ludgate Hill, perfumers—April 11, Cooper sen. Wolverhampton, lock- smith—April 19, Bannehr, Exeter, law-stationer—April 23, Lowcock, Raddon Court, Devonshire, dealer in artificial manures—April 18, Way, Martock, Somersetshire, innkeeper—April 11, Hulme Manchester, tailor—April 10, Spencer, Manchester, cotton-spinner—April 9, Braitan, Northwich, cabinet-maker. DECLARATIONS OF Divremins.—Porter ; div. of la. 4d. any Thursday; Pennell, Guild- hall Chambers—Yeomans, Sheffield, merchant ; first div. of 58. any Saturday; Free- man, Sheffield—Birley, -Doncaster, ; first div. of 7s. any Saturday; Freeman, Sheffield—Clayton; Lairgcliffe. Yo shire. Clayton and Co. Preston, bankers; third div. of 8s. 9d. any Tuesday; Hobson, Manchester—WGiverin and Johnson, Man- chester, smallware-manufacturers ; div. of 20s. on the separate estate of M'Giverin, and div. of 21. 6d. on separate estate of Johnson, any Tuesday; Hobson, Manchester.

Seams SeximisraarioNs.—Bannerman, Helmsdale, Sutherlimdshire, merchant, March 25, April 15—Ferguson, Glasgow, calico-printer, March 25, April 15—Bell, Haddington, clothier, March 15, April 26—Waddell jun. Stanrigg, Airdrie. coal- master, March 25, April 15—Crichton, Edinburgh, printseller, March 25, April 15— Smart, Montrose, farmer, March 25, April 17.

Friday, March 22. Pwarrizasnars DissoLven.—Denman and Co. Ordsall, Nottinghamshire ; as far as regards T. Denman—T. J. and R. Moffatt, Mincing Lane, tea-brokers—Wilson and Facer, Harrogate, Yorkshire, chemists--Middletons and Co. Singapore, merchants— W. and J. Swift, Liverpool, victuallers—Parker and, Dicks, Leicester, boot-manu- facturers—Weymouth and Green, Angel Court, solicitors—Larchin and Co. Ratcliffe, brewers ; as far as regards H. Smith—Viekers and Hugel], Pontefract, architects— Yates and Co. Manchester, distillers ; as far as regards W. Yates—Faulkner and Walsh, Folkston, Customhouse-agents—West and Co. Crutchedfriars, merchants —Noakes and Co. Tieehurst, Sussex, drapers—Gapp and Young, Charles Street, Manchester Square ; and C. Gapp, Brighton, riding-masters—Russell and Oldfield, Leeds, bootmakers—Very and Lemon, Regent Street, hosiers—Husband and Wyatt, Verulam Buildings, attornies—Matthews and Leonard, Bristol, drysalters—Gordon and Johnson, Royston, innkeepers—Johnson and Sutcliffe, Shelton, Staffordshire, chemists—Cramer and Co. Regent Street, music-publishers--Bury and Co. Liver- pool, ironfounders ; as far as regards T. A. Curtis—W. and R. Fookes, Weston, Bath, brewers—Fisher and Beatson, Huddersfield, coal-merchants—Wilson and Jones, Liverpool, watch-case-makers--Sidgwick and Co. Otley, Yorkshire, cotton- spinners ; as far as regards H. Whitaker—Campbell and Co. Bombay ; and Camp- bell and Co. Glasgow ; as far as regards A. Blackburn—Dalglish and Co. Glasgow, merchants ; as far as regards A. S. Dalglish—The Falkirk Iron Company, Graham- ston ; as far as regards T. Wilson, D. Watson, R. Hardie, G. Hardie, P. M'Kinnon, G. Hamilton, J. Baker, J. Dallas, T. Gunn, A. Aitken, W. Hardie, and J. Hardie.

Baxxaviris.—Joss LLOYD, New Oxford Street, hosier, to surrender March 28, May 4 : solicitors, Reed and Co. Friday Street; official assignee, Pennell, Guild- hall Chambers—Pema BROAD jun. Brighton, tallow-chandler, March 30, May 6: solicitors, Baron and Clarke, Bloomsbury Square ; Attree and Co. Brighton ; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street—Ronear Donn, Sheerness, builder, April 4, May 7 : solicitors, Tilson and Co. Coleman Street ; official assignee, Johnson, Basinghall Street —Joint GOSILDESHROUGH, Manchester, manufacturer, April 11, 25: solicitors, Whit- low and Co. Manchester; official assignee, Hobson, Manchester—Tao:ass BRE- THeasTos, Birmingham, livery-stable-keeper, April 10, 25 : solicitor, Hodgson, Bir- mingham ; official assignee, Valpy, Birmingham. Divrierims.—April 1.2, Robertson, Leicester Place, Leicester Square, mariner— April 12, Tippler, Great Tower Street, broker—April 12, Jukes, Great Winchester Street, tailor—April 12, J. and:W, Chisholm, Dorking, perfumers—April 12, T. and J. L. Keasley, Church Street, Blackfriars Road, tanners—April 19, Turner, Lowes- toft', grocer—April 19, Streatfeild. Cornhill, underwriter—April 19. Almasnino, Bevis Marks, feather-dealer—April 16, Pulling, Hay's Wharf, Tooley Street, potato-sales- man—April 16, Tuck, New Cavendish Street, milliner—April 15, Slade, Grange-next- Gillingham, Kent, gardener—April 15, Woods, Mount Place. Walworth Road, iron- monger—April 13, Kemp, Chipperffeld, Hertfordshire, victualler—April 13. Hems- Worth, Primrose Street, wine-merchant--April 12, Eminson, Grantham, scrivener- Apift 12, Malpas, Nottingham, innkeeTtaiApril 18, Smith, Bristol, tanner—April 18, Jones, Bristol, builder—April 16, and Alexander, Bath, watchmakers— April 16, Snowdon, South Shields, grocer—. pril 18, Came and Telo, Liverpool, mer- chants—April 18, Carter, Liverpool, merchant—April 16, Itaisbeck, Dewsbury, iron- master—April 16, Storey, Leeds, wool-dealer—April 15, Hesketh, Manchester, straw- bonnet-dealer—April 13, Cocker, Manchester, cotton-manufacturer. • CERTIFICATES.—To be granted, unless cause be shown to, the contrary, on the day of nseeting—April 13. Wright, Crooked Lane, dealer in edge tools—April 15, Oliver, Queen's Road, Bayswater, plumber—April 15, Fulford, Fulford's Plate, Southgate Road, builder—April 19, Simmons, Ramsgate, grocer—April 17, Church, Deptford, coke-manufacturer—April 18, Vernon, Ashton-in-Maekerfield, shopkeeper—April 17, Williams, Newport, Monmouthshire, auctioneer—April 19, Green, Bristol, baker Aril 15, Dawson, Pontefract, fishmonger—April 15, Harvey, Newark-upon-Trent, miller—April 19, Rideout, Nottingham, glove-manufacturer—April 15, Hindman, Bury, Lancashire. apothecary—April 12, Gough, Altrincham, Cheshire, ironmonger

—April 12, Sutcliffe and Harris, Rochdale, cotton-spinners. '

DECLARATIONS OP DIVIDENDS.—Turnbull, Scarborough, linendraper; first div. of 641. March 28, or any subsequent Thursday; Freeman, Leeds-1f °did jun. Leeds, flax-spinner; third div. of 21d. March 28, or any subsequent Thursday ; Freeman, Leeds—Newton, Kirkburton, Yorkshire, victualler; first div. of Os. llid. March 28, or any subsequent Thursday ; Freeman, Leeds—Hincheliffe, Leeds, cloth-manufac- turer ; first div. of Ss. 6d. March 28, or any subsequent Thursday; Freeman, Leeds —Mg:lardy, Almondbury, Yorkshire, innkeeper; first div. of ls 2d. March 28, or any subsequent Thursday; Freeman, Leeds—Armitage, Almondbury, Yorkshire, innkeeper; first div. of 20s. March 28, or any subsequent Thursday; Freeman, Leeds —Collett and Smith, Assett, Yorkshire, cotton-spinners ; second and final div. of Is. 2d. any day on or after March 25; Young, Leeds—J. and J. Greenwood, Haworth, Yorkshire, worsted-spinners; third div. of Is. lid and a first, second, and third div. tnatsequent proofs, together 6s. 514.) on any day on or after March 25 ; Young, Bowden jun, Ingoldmells, Lincolnshire, farmer ; first div. of 2s. 9d. any Fri- day ; Carrick, !full—Braithwaite, Hereford, apothecary ; first div. of lid. any Thurs- day; Whitmore, Birmingham—Ransford, Leamington, ale-merchant; div. of9d. (por- tion of first div. of Si. 4d.) any Thursday; Christie, Birmingham—Fox and Co. West Comforth, and Regent's Canal Basin, lime-burners ; first My. of 7d. (on separate es- tate of T. Fox) Mar. 23, or any subsequent Saturday ; Wakley, Newcastle-upon-Tyne —Fenwick, Tyuemouth, banker ; first div. of 4s. 9d. March 23, or any subsequent Sa- turday; Wallop, Newcastle-upon-Tyne—Oldaker, High Street, Borough, hop-mer- channt; first div. of 2s. lid. March 23, and three subsequent Saturdays; Edwards, Basinghall Street—Brown, Winchester, builder ; first div. of 2s. (on new proofs), March 23, and three subsequent Saturdays ; Edwards, Basinghall Street—Keating, St. Paul's Churchyard druggist; first div. of 3s. March 23, and three subsequent Saturdays ; Mr. F,dwa;x1s, Basinghall Street—Martindale, Star Court, Bread Street, warehouseman ; first div. of 6s. 8d. on new proofs), March 23, and three subsequent Saturdays ; Mr. Edwards, Basinghall Street—Wilson, Tavistock Place, apothecary ; first and final div. of 4s. 10d. on Saturday next, and three subsequent Saturdays ; Groom, Abchurch Lane—Bottle, Dover, grocer ; sec. div. of Sid. on Saturday next, and three subsequent Saturdays ; Groom, Abchurch Lane—Boyls, Upper Lisson Street, victualler; first and final div. of Is. 7id. on Saturday next, and three subse- quent Saturdays; Groom, Abchurch Lane—Bowyer, Macclesfield, grocer ; first div. of 5s. March 26, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Fraser, Manchester—Watson, Leeds, commission-agent; third and final div. of ls. 41d. (on separate estate), April 2, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Fraser, Manchester—Butterworth, Greenbooth Mills, Roch- dale, woollen-manufacturer; first div. of Is. Bad. March 26, or any subsequent Tues- day; Hobson, Manchester—Stocks and Tait, Manchester, bleachers ; final div. of lid. March 26, or any subsequent Tuesday; Hobson, Manchester. Storms SEGUESTRATIONL—Murray, Helmadale, merchant, March 27, April 24— Lang, Dumbarton, draper, March 28, April 18—Watson and Co. Edinburgh, general merchants, March 30, Apri116-31`111veen, Barrhead, Renfrewshire, March 28, April 18—Moran, Largs, hat-manufacturer, March 30, April 20—Gow, Windy Mill, Fithie Water, near Dundee, miller, March 211, April 15.