23 MARCH 1867, Page 21

Grandmama's Nursery Stories. (London : Whitfield, Green, and Son.) —This

is a very lively little nursery volume, and Grandmama, though she "points her moral," also "adorns her tale," into quaint illustrations. Morality may indeed, in the story of "Little Patty," be thought by

some to be carried too far,—as it seems almost unnatural that the over- intelligence of a Grandmama should be held up to the reprobation of infants by a Grandmama,—this too didactic strain is the only fault to be found with the book, and for this the age may be more to blame than the author. There is some danger now of our little ones being too wise in their generation. The poems are simple and pretty, chiefly about animals, a subject interesting to most children, and altogether the little volume will prove a charming addition to the nursery library.