23 MARCH 1912, Page 15


[To 11111 EDITOR OF TUN "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—Having opened your columns to such a subject as " the damnation of infants," may I say that your usual 'sense of fairness slumbered when you olosured it with the admission of so great a perversion of the doctrine of the Church of England and belief of the clergy which appeared under the letters " W. G. S. M." in your issue of the 9th P I could wish for this anonymous writer that his love of truth was as conspicuous as his hostility to the Church of the nation. The Church of England, while holding baptism to be more than a "mere rite of the Church," is committed to no dogma as to the state of the unbaptized, nor, I thankfully add, to the methods of Sab- bath observance, the inspiration of the Holy Bible, and the " arithmetic of salvation." Probably " W. G. S. M.," as a dissenter, is unaware that our bishops have authorized a Form of Service to be used at the graveside of the unbaptized.

R.D. Lynn M.

[Oar correspondent appears to have missed the letter and editorial note in our last week's issue.—ED. Spectator,]