23 MARCH 1912, Page 24

In the series of " Beautiful England" (Blaokie and Son,

2s. net) we have Winchester, pictured by Ernest Hazlehurst, described by Sidney Heath.—It is a great subject which has been adequately treated. Winchester has a groat historic reputation ; perhaps no other cathedral city equals it in this respect ; and its outward aspect is fully worthy of its associations. It has two most noble accessories. So we see that two out of the twelve illustrations are given to the school, and three to the famous foundation of St. Cross.—Of another interesting series, " Beautiful Ireland," the same publishers, we have two volumes, Ulster and Leinster, each 2s. not, both by Alexander Williams and Stephen Gwynn. Mr. Gwynn is, as might be anticipated, quite equal to his task of description, and worthily backs up with his pen the graphic pencil of his collaborator. Not the least attractive part of his work is the references and reminiscences in which the angler's art is introduced.