23 MARCH 1929, Page 17


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]

SIII,—We have in active preparation for very early publication a volume of selected letters written from one or other of the Fronts during the War, by men who subsequently fell. The volume will be edited, with an introduction, by Mr. Laurence Housman. We write to ask all who possess letters which might find a place in such a collection to send them to us at the address below, in an envelope marked " War Letters." We wish to include letters expressing every type of opinion and every variety of experience. Several letters from the same writer may be included.

The letters should be accompanied by a brief note giving (a) date, (b) the locality from which the letter was sent if this is known, (c) any special circumstances under which the letter was written, (d) brief biographical particulars of the writer, and (e) the date and circumstances of the writer's death. We should prefer that copies rather than the precious originals should be sent ; but if originals are sent, every possible care will be taken of them, and they will be returned as promptly as possible.—We are, Sir, &c.,