23 MARCH 1929, Page 40

A Library List

MISCELLANEOUS :-The Devil's Pool. By G. Sand. Translated by Hamish Miles. (Scholartis Press.

8s. 6d.)-The Way of a Man with a Horse. By Lt.-Col. G. Brooke. (Seeley, Service and Co. 21s.) -Trout Fishing from all Angles. By E. Taverner. (Seeley Service and Co. 21s:)-Toots and Toys of Stitchery. By G. Whiting. (Columbia University Press. 50s.)-New Chapters in Greek Literature. By J. U. Powell and E. A. Barber. (Oxford University Press. 15s.)-Gray's Elegy. By F. G. Stokes. (Oxford University Press. 21s.)-Eurydice. By D. Hussey. (Kegan Paul. 2s. 6d.)-Industrial Psychology. Edited by C. S. Myers. - (Thornton Butterworth. 2s. 6d.)-- Great Modern British Plays. Edited by J. W. Marriott. (Harrap. 8s. 6d.)-Jaffa. By Sybil Cust. (Oxley and Son, Windsor. 6d.) BIOGRAPHIES :-Letters of Richard Fox. (Oxford University Press. 15s.)-The Autobiography of Lord Alfred Doug- las. (Martin Seeker. 21s.)-The Autobiography of Ousama. (Routledge. 12s. 6d.)-The Politicks of Laurence Sterne. By L. P. Curtis. (Oxford University Press. 10s.) HISTORY :-A Baghdad Chronicle. By R. Levy. (Cambridge University Press. 15s.)-Hertfordshire County Records (Vol. 5). By W. Le Hardy. (C. E. Longmore, Hertford. 10s.)-The School Drama in England. By T. H. Vail Motter. (Longman 15s.)-Islam Beliefs and Insti. Unions. By H. Lammens. Translated by Sir E. Denison Ross. (Methuen. 8s. 8d.)-Hi..stary of Nigeria. By A. C. Burns. (Allen and Unwm. 15s.)-Block Democracy. By H. P. Davis. (Allen and Unwin. 20s.) REFERENCE Boons :-Willing's Press Guide, 1929. (Willing Service. 2s. 6d.) Subject Index to Periodicals, 1927. (The Library Association. £3 10s.)-The Law of Land. By Sir H. S. Theobald. (St. Catherine Press. 2184- Wheafon's International Law. By A. Berriedale Keith. Sixth Edition. (Stevens and Sons. £3 3s.) Fienox :-The Sable and the Girl. By J. Weyssenhoff. (Allen and Unwin. 7s. 6d.)-Joan Kennedy. By IL Channon. (Methuen. 7s. 6d.)-Mixed Bags. By S. C. Westerham. (Christophers. 7s. 6d.)-Real People. By J. D. Beresford. 7s. 6d.)-- By Consent. By Mrs. H. Dudeney. (Collins. 7s. 6d.) Parachute. By R. Guthrie. (Gerald Howe. 7s. 6d.)