23 MARCH 1945, Page 14


SIR,-Mr. Arnold Brittatn, in his letter purporting to correct Mr. Harold Nicolson, suggests that the only " contact " between the Duke of Wellington and Napoleon was at Waterloo. "I believe it is stated," he writes, "that the Duke saw the Emperor through his field-glass on

different occasions during the battle." . .

If anyone ever stated this, it must have been in ignorance of the Duke's direct denial that he did so. Questioned on the point by Lord Stanhope, he said : "No, I could not—the day was dark—there was a great deal of rain in the air." I doubt if Mr. Nicolson meant to say that the two men were ever in personal touch. " Contact " can be used

figuratively.—Yours, &c., E. C. BENTLEY. 21 Belsize Park Gardens, N.W. 3.