23 MARCH 1951, Page 16

Malays and Malayans

SIR.—In your note on Malaya in the Spectator of February 2nd refer- ence is made to the economic rivalry between " the Chinese and the Malayans." "Malayans" is a term generally used to describe all resi- dents in Malaya of whatever race or creed, whether Malays, Chinese, Indians, Europeans or Eurasians. The reference in the quotation. referred to should therefore hive been to " Malays," not " Malayans."

Miners should also have been referred to amongst those "still living in an atmosphere of continuous and undetected danger," as the tin- mining industry is second only in importance to rubber-planting in the economy of Malaya and its contribution to the Commonwealth dollar-

pool.—Yours faithfully, J. T. CHAPPEL. P.O. Box No. 67, !poll. Perak, Malaya.