23 MAY 1840, Page 17


The Anatomy of Suicide. By FORRES WtssLow, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London ; Author of " Pity tie and Phy- sicians."

Tinum, but net of Athens. In two vols. mossgoo hiss...erg mos chsSstion ..11issifins, considered in their mutual relations. By dons CAMPBELL, Author of " Jethro," the first Prize Essay on the Diffusion of the Golsel among our Dome Population. I I ustrated wit li engravings by G. Bax,risit. -i en, and Mc Plwis mine Me Nierd: and East Coasts of Sumatra; with incidental Notices of the Trade in the Eastern Semi, and the aggris- dons of the Dutch. By Jonsi Axinmsox, Esq., late of the lion. East India Company's Seta ire at Penang, Sis an pore, and Malacca. A 'Treatise on the Phipeiologiral and .31,ral .11,:nagement nj 1...liaery. By

ANDfiLW Co,1111:, FellOW Of the Roy z.: Collca;e of Physicians a &e.

Stephen hiTard; a Novel. By the Author of " The Five Nights of St. Albans," &e. Inn three vols.

Hope On! Mop. ! or the Boyhood of Felix LaW, By MARI. 1Ic..;:vr,

Author of " Strive and Thrive," &e.

[The weary lii of au orphan boy thrown on the grudging kindness of strangers, and meeting with affection only casually, or from such as could not help him, is touchingly narrated with the minute :Ind homely truth of au autobiov.pliy. The pit:tore of life, scenery, and character in the Yorkshire dales—the pi Uni- tive simplicity of manners, and the narrowness of' mind consequent on the State of rural seclusion—is very distinctly drawn ; and the incidents ef the hero's boyhood give it a strong Interest Mr all readers. Ills removal to Lon- don, the transition to its scenes of vice and nii,ery, with the still more sudden change to a state of' happiness and comfrrt, are less real only because of a feel- rug of the improbability of the occurrences. Patience rather than hope is the "Virtue illustrated by the brief career of Felix taw.] The Hartopp Jubilee; or Profit from Play. A valume for the Young, by Mrs. S. C. HALL.

k The festivities at in meeting of the whole family of the Ilartopps on the fiftieth anniversary of flue wedding-day of the old folks—the amusements of the children, the sayings and doings of the ciders, the stories told, and the inci- dents that occurred—furnish the matter of a very lively and instructive little book, written in a hearty spirit of' enjoyment, such as captivates juvenile read- ers, and prepares their minds to receive kindly the truths and lessons of ex- ample that are mixed up with the pleasant descriptions and amusing stories; all of which have the impress of real occurrences. Some pretty engravings il- lustrate the volume.]

The Last Days of a Condon:nice!. From the French of M. WICTOR lioco. With Obserrations on Capital Punishment, by Sir P. IIESKETH FLEETWOOD, Bart., M.P.

[ Sir IIESKETII FLEETWOOD ILLS translated VICTOR HUGO'S powerful but ex- aggerated and unnatural journal of the lust days of a man supposed to be condemned to death. Sir IlEsmarti's olject is to advance the abolition of ca- pital punishments by bringing the misery of its victims distinctly before the reader. Ile has further endeavoured to assist the cause by an introduction, in which he satisfactorily disposes of the argument in favour of death-punishment drawn from the text " Ile who sheddeth man's blood, by nuns shall his blood be shed." The romance, we suspect, will have less effect upon the conviction of the reader than the disquisition ; for it is opposed to English ideas of na- ture and propriety. The criminal's remembrances of other days, and the con- trast of his own miserable thoughts with the smiling appearance of nature or the indiGrenee of other men, are obvious in their subject, and Frenchified in their treatment. The galvanic horrors and wailings of the condemned seem 'nose likely to create contempt than pity : the best parts are those which re- late to the galley-slaves; for the picture, though coloured by the painter's mind, seems draw is from life and imparts information.] Ktn,inytme Gardens ; a Poem. Br EDWARD COOK. Since the uhlisiro-s or The Author's Printing and Publishing Assistant sent forth that manifesto, the quality of their publications, formerly so respectable, has declined in about the same ratio as their number has increased; but Ken- sington Gardens is really " too bad." It was due alike to the public, to the friends of Mr. COOK, and to Mr. Sergeant TALFOUIID, 10 Wh0111 the "poem" is " inscribed," not to have been the foster-parents of such a literary abortion. Mr. COOK'S is a clear case of poetical delusion.] Joan of Are ; a Play, in five acts. By Mrs. .T. A. SARGAN'C. nothisturit al play, or giving evidence of the power of writing one, its any high sense of the term, Joan of Are has a story, with rapidity of 1VoiTIOCIlt, mai spore interest in it. We go along with the progress of the asiion, if we do not linger over the speeches. 'fine fair writer has mingled a little both of love and rivalry amongst the Frenchmen for Joan's flavour, and introduced the feeling of jealousy at her renown amongst some of the military wades, which :Cita skill leas she effects of it.] The Loss of tin.' '17yris; a Poem, in two cantos. With Notes. By Rieuannsors, A.B.

[The disastrous event that put. an end to the attempt to survey the course of the river Euphrates, wills a view to determine the practicability of its forming part of the route to India, forms the subject of the poem ; which is written its various metres, and illustrated by copious notes. The writer exhibits more flusney than correctness or vigour of' versification ; and his ideas and descrip- tisas are literal, not imaginative. The infbrmation conveyed in the notes is interesting, and the lithographs illustrating the verses are clever and effective.]

The Sacred Epistles .Erplained, and familiarized for Young Christians, By JENNETTE W.. DART. L' It is remarked by the author of this small volume, that young persons " eel- loin read the Epi.itles Nrith time interest and attention which are requisite for- a clear comprelteminn of the value and importance of' their contents." Of this we make no doubt ; for the Gospels are narrative and dramatics their very morality being often isit into the shape of' parables ; whereas the Epistles are disquisition:11, doctrinal, or Iceland, ii' we tna.,. say so. A.s is the text so is the mininentary : our author is much more likely to attract the attention of her youthful readers when explainiog I:in:graphical or Mr:fork:1i allusions, than

her exnsesii ion sf dnet mines and mysteries, which sometimes she rather pare- pitraSeS than eNlihIRIS.j

Pei/trip/ea of Intrprraution of the Old 7'estament ; translated from the " I n st it utio I isterpretis Yeteris Testainenti" of JOION HENRY PAREAU, l'rofessor of Oriental Languages in the University of Utrecht, by Paamica Fon nus, D.D., one of the Ministers of Old Machos, and

l'rofessor of Humanity, &c., King's College, Aberdeen, Vol. 11. ( 'aLinet, Vol. XXV.)

[The completion of a work very useful to ti:c student of the Scriptures; though the original author exhibits some of that minuteness of direction upon plait: points which characterizes commentators. In the prefitee, 1)1'. FORBES stremimply urges that Ilebrew should first he acquired without the Alasoretic point s.] The 1.; .steals af the Lord, as celshrated by the House of Israel in every part of the Wodd. By Monists J. liaritanr,, Editor of' the s' flebreas Review," &e.

A Letter to the Human Race. By a Brother. [This high-sounding title is the EBBW of a free-thinking publication, distill- the pith and plain :lees of Tow PAINE, W11111110111, mis COSTSCIICSS and offensiveuess. Tire text of the author is " Love one another"; his argu- ments are direct amid indirect. his chief direct arguments arc drawn from the phy.sieal nature of things; and set forth, that has! the present knowledge of the :An: and planetary system existed in time early ages of the world, the win. :5 creeds of tire various peoples of Asian and Europe could not have found ere:len:T. Iii indireet arguments are prineipolly drawn from the &Huse of all reds to achieve human happiness, or to carry out their professed purposes. Ti:e author himself imulcntes a belief in one Supreme Bring, the acquirement of knowledge, inol the practice of' time text " Love one another," as the only true path for time happiness of the human race ] 'The it"Uteeral Ilistory of l'ishes, particularly their structure and economi- cal uscs. By .1. S. *Businvax, 111,11, F.R.S.E., &e. Vol. II. illus- trated by thirty-three coloured plates, with Portrait and Alentoir of Salviani. (The Naturalist's Library.) [This volume contains the usual number of plates, which this cheap and in- teresting publication furnish: s with every number, distinguished by the usual Iltn:ts and merits ; but the strange, not to say uncouth Ilnans of some of the fish( s, !-zive a novelty to the illustrations. it strikes us, however, that the ir irk 'looks less voraeious and ls t: rril:k about the jaws than we have beets in tlie h: it of seeing hins—else we have looked en fancy-drawn fishes.

The literary part is furnished by Dr. BESIINAN; whose knowledge seems ;2v,ater than his power of using at with popular effect. There is a biographical notice of SALV1ANI, an Italian ichthyologist of the sixteenth century; with a good bibliographical and c: ideal account of' his great work on fishes.]

Tie Universal Tendency to As::,wiation be Mankind, analyzed and illus-

trated ; with practical and historival Notices of the Bonds of Society, as regards individuals and communities. By JOHN DUNLOP, Esq., Author

of' the " Philosophy of Drinking Usage in the United Kingdom." [This is an important -subject, but the author is unequal to his theme.] A Topographical and Historical Guide to Me Isle of Wight ; comprising

authentic accounts of its Antiquities, Natural Productions, and Roman- tic Scenery. By THOMAS BRETTELL. ['MIS COMplele, Intehigc111, and serviceable manual for visiters to the Isle of Wight, is well-timed in its appearance; the Southampton ltailway having, brought the island within four hours of the 'Metropolis. its information is full

and clearly given, without pretension or any attempt to make more of the subject than it will bear : in short, it is a readable book.] Memoir t!f the Very Reverend Theobald Mathew; with an Account of the Rise and Progress of Temperance in Ireland. By the Reverend JAMES BIRMINGHAM, Parish Priest of Borrisokane.

[The life of the apostle of Irish temperance appears to have been uneventful, and Mr. BIRMINGIIAM judiciously passes rapidly over it, to narrate Mr. MA- THEW'S effects as a preacher, which, humanly speaking, he attributes to a cause more true than complimentary : the evil of drinking in Ireland had got to such a pitch, that the most confirmed toper felt the necessity of stopping it. The pamphlet preserves a tolerably continuous and a fair enough view of the subject, but a closer connexion might have improved it.]


Basselas, Prince of Abyssinia; a Tale. By Dr. JOIINSON. (Smith's Standard Library.)

Milton's Poetical Works. Part Paradise Lost." (Smith's Standard Library.) Letters from a Citizen of the World. By Osrvea Gososetern. (Smith's Standard Library.)

2'ke 'AMY. DOnne, WOUOU, Hooker, Herbert, and Sanderson. Written by IZAAK WALTON. Illustrated by numerous biographical notes. (Smith's Standard Library.) Robin Hood; a Collection of all the Ancient Poems, Songs, and Ballads now extant, relative to that celebrated English Outlaw : to which are prefixed, historical Anecdotes of his Life. Carefully reprinted front Rersos. (Smith's Standard Library.) The Life of Petrarch. By Mrs. DOBSON. (Smith's Standard Libre's%) [Another various and valuable supply or Mr. Smern's reprints of standard works. Of " Rasselas," or the" Cittzen of' the World," or " Poetical Works," what need we say, except that " Paradise Lost," elegantly printed, maybe had for one shilling and tenpenee, and " Baste:his " for ',inept:nee. The charming Lives of old 'RAM( WALTON are now, for the first mime we believe, made clump as well as popular ; as this is certainly the first tittle that the ex- ploits of merry England's popular hero, Robin Meal, have been presented to the people illustrated by the learning, the quaintuese, the cher/mess, and what is rare in antiquarians, the force + and pith, of' RITSON. TIIC elaborate work of Mrs. Donsoe smacks a little of the time When it was written, some seventy

years since; but it furnishes a view of Priam tie lire and times which will be welcome to numbers. We observe that sonie et these works are im- proved by the addition of notes.


A Letter to James William Gilbert, Esq., General Manager of the Lon- don and 'Westminster Bank, on the Regulation of the Currency by the Foreign Exchanges, and on the appointment of the Bank or England to be the sole Bank of Issue throughout Great Britain. By HOBERT BELL.

Mitactary Derangements: in a Letter addressed to the Proprietors of Bank Stock, By IV 1LLIAM WARD, EMI. Banking in let/and: Remarks on the Renewal of the Charter or the Bank of Ireland; with a Sketch oft hue Ilistory or Banking, tual the 'Working of the Joint Stock Bank System in Ireland. By Geoid»: Lewis SMYTH.

Christianity ag«inst Coercion ; or Compulsory Churches Unseriptural and Antiehristian. A Lecture delivered on -Wednesday 2)th Alurch 1840, in Freemason's Ilall, at the request of the Committee of the Evaagelicul Voluntary Church Association; and published under their direction By GEORGE BEDFORD, D.O., LL.D. (Advocacy of the Voluntary Principle, on Religious Grounds only, No. II.) Westminster Hall Courts Facts for the consideration of Parliament, be- fore the final adoption of a Platt perpetuating the Courts of Law on it site injurious and costly to the suitor. Glances at the Times, and Itelbrm Government. By JORN WADE, Au- thor of the " Chrouolo;4kal History of U [cat Britain," &e. Fifth edition.

A Letter to the Right Himourable Charles Waddle Williams Wynn, MI'., ;i.e. on the danger to which the Constitution is exposed front the en- croachments of the Courts of Law. By Sir GRAVES CH AM NE IlAtstivros, K.11., M A., F.11.5., Ste.

An Address to the Thula 0' Lords, against the LIM bcthre Parliament for the Union of the Canadas; and discloshig the improper means by which the consent of the Legislature of' the Upper Province has been obtained to the measure. By Sir Fuascis B. II EA IL Bert. Speech of' Sir William .,31idesteorth, Bart., on 7'01,nporlutitm. Delivered in the Douse of Commons on the :ith May ls Obset rations on the Climate, Soil, and Pi.oduel its of British Guiana ; and on the Advantages of Emigration to and Colonizing the interior of that country: together with incidental Remarks on the Diseases, their treatment and prevention : rounded on a long experience within the Tropics. By Joint; II ANC OU K, M.D. Second edition.

Letters on Recent Trausw.tions in India.

Raphael l'indiented, hy a comparison between the Original Tapestries (now in London) of Leo X. and the Cartoons at Ihunpton Court, as repaired by Cooke. With brier historical and artistieal Remarks upon the whole series. By W. Teems Faust; a Grand Opera, in two acts, by BE IINARD. III German and English. The Music by L. SPOIIR.