23 MAY 1840, Page 8

The Yorkshire Gazette mentions " the total wreck of the

barque Arcturus, belonging to Mr. Halt, of Whitby, and bound from Sierra Leone to Sunderland, with a valuable cargo of oak. On Sunday MOTn. ing last, when the vessel Wi.:S uir I 'tutelar Foot, the wind rose to a gale from the north-cast, and the vessel struck upon a sand-bank called the South Gore. The perilous condition of those on board was imme- diately observed by the pilots and fishermen of Redcar, who lost no time in getting out the hill_-boat, and dragging it, with the assistance of horses, to the Tees' mouth. After contending for FOIIIC thlIC with the sea, which was breaking with tremendous force between the vessel and the shore—a diet atAte of nearly half a mile—the crew of the life- boat had the satisfaction to rescue the Fhip's company, consisting of twelve men, the captain's wife, maul-servant, and three small children, (the youngest only eight weeks old,) from a watery grave." A serious accident occurred ott the London and Southampton Rail- way on Sunday last. The engine of the train which he it -Vauxhall at ten o'clock on Sunday morning, was thrown oil the rail about five miles before it reached Winchester. The engine-driver and the stoker were both killed. A lady in one of the second- class carriages bad several of her toes hurt sevaely. A gentleman's servant, in the same carriage, was cut in the forehead, but there was no fracture. One of the servants of the company was in the lugpge-carriage next to the engine, and escaped unhurt. No passenger in the first-class carriages suffered any thing beyond alarm, except perb:ips very slight bruises. The accalcnt is beliet cd to have been caused by some mischievous person having wickedly put something across the rail. The Fart of Dundonald appears to halve been one of the passengers, and, with the other pas- sengers, came forward to bear testimony in favour of the proper con• duet of the servants of the Compaly. No obstruction or fault is attri- butable to the road.—Mornilly Chronicle.

The village of. Roundhay, near Leeds, has lately been visited by

burglars, which caused great alarm among the gentry of the t!elgii. bourhood. On Sunday evening, the family of Mr. William Nichol-

son, a gentleman of wealth and a magistrate, were disturbed by it noise at the front-door ; upon which Mr. Nicholson and his butler, armed with guns, proceeded to ascertain the cause. On discovering a

man tit the door, Mr. Nicholson called out to him ; but receiving no ;nee he discharged his gun, the contents of which entered the man's nbOnin on assistance being procured to remove the supposed robber, the wounded nuns was found to be Mr. Nicholson's own gamekeeper ; vhe, t afterwards appeared, had returned home in a state of intoxi- cation, and had sat himself down by the door, where he was unfortu- nately shot. The mau lingered till Tuesday, and then died. A Coro- 's Jury have since found a verdict of " Homicide by missul- venture lye have reason to believe that al, the present moment a vast number ef counterfeit Bank of England notes are in circulation in this district of the kingdom ; and the traffic in base coin appears also to be carried serious extent. —Bien/We/tam Advertiser. op to an equally