23 MAY 1846, Page 19


Twalny, May 19.


Thirkill and Leech, Huddersfield, plumbers-A. and H. Wyatt, Catherington, Hamp- shire-W. and J. B. Musehensp, Stutderland, wooliendrapere ; as far as regards J. B. Muschausp-Davison and Co. Calverley, Yorkaldre, stone-merchants-Thorne and Co. and Thorne, Hooper, and Co. Newfoundland, merchants-Wise and Restarick, Walford, Hsrtfordaklre, plumbers-Westbrook and Brown, Northampton, printers-Davidson and Weatherbead, North Shields, blacksmiths-Wilson and Erskine, Liverpool, corn- mission-agents-W. C. and C. Bodlery, Exeter, iron-fonndere-Sowden and Edwards, Manchester, cablztet-makers-Levy and Co. Sobelph Lane, frait-merchante-More-

wood and Co. New York, merchants ; as ihr as- recants A. Morewood-Smith and Co. Star Court, Broad Street, general-agents-Foeter and Mansfield, Francis Place, Haw North- Bead, grocers-Russell and Ram bottom, Salford, joiners-R. and W. Fenian, Oldham, Lancashire, gmems-Butterworth and Brooks, Manchester, merchants; maw as regard. J. Brooks.


DARRNBROCGII, WILLIAM, Richmond, tailor, May 18.


ELmorr, Jour, Bristol, ooal-merehant.


ROTIIAMS, Tremens, Nottingham, victualler, to surrender Jane e, 24 : soltelters, Messrs. Sudlow and Co. Chancery Lane; Mr. Wells, Nottingham ; Mr. dames, Bin. mingham ; official assignee, Mr. Bittleetoe, Birmingham.

Coozz, dome, Cheltenham, auctioneer, June 5, 26: solicitor, Mr. Packwood, Chel- tenham ; official assignee, Mr. Acraman, Bristol.

Coaaarr, JOHN leurrones, Worcester, scrivener, May 30, Jane 30: solicitors, /dears. Motteram and Knowles, Birmingham ; official assignee, Mr. Christie, Birmingham.

Dames, 811610111., and KAY, Tansies Ricasan, Newton Heath, uear Manchester, brewers, May 29, June 22 : solicitors, Messrs. Norris and Co. Bartlett's Buildings; Messrs. Woods and Jackson, Rochdale; official assignee, Mr. Fraser, Manchester.

ELKINS/ON, Her me, Nada Mil East, chemist, May 26, June 26: wieder, Mr. Meyrick, Farnical's Inn ; official assignee, Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard.

Freely GEORGE DANIEL, Stroud, cabinet-maker, June 4, 30: solicitor, Mr. Cole, Tokenhouee Yard ; Nikki assignee, Mr. Miller, Bristol.

GORDON, JAMES, jun. East India Chambers, Leadenhall Street, ship-broker, June 2, 26: eolioltore, Mr. Eubank, Gray's Inn ; official assignee, Mr. Groom, Abchurch Lane.

Hama, drams Jose, Liverpool, broker, May 29, Jane 23 : solicitors, Messrs. Corns. thwaite and Co. Old Jewry Chambers ; Mr. Pemberton, Liverpool ; official arra% Mr. Morgan, Liverpool

HARTLEY, Tuomse, and Dronaw, ROBMRT, Leeds, share-Makers, May 26, duns 16 solicitors, Mere Nelsen and•Co. Gresham Place, Leonean' Street, Dir./gallon, Leslie; official assignee, Mr. Hope, Leeds.

HAYWARD, JOHN RICHMOND, Manchester, bookseller, May 29, Jane 22: Meters. Johnson and CO. Temple; Mr. littnison, Manchester ; official assignee, Mr. Fraser, Manchester. Petty, Rorer, Brighton, draper, May 30, June 20: solicitors, Messrs. Soleand Aldermanktry; official assignee, Mr. Follett, Sambrook Court. Rearm, Joss, Kidderminster, coaldealer, May 30, June 30: solicitor, Mr-Minton, Kidderminster ; official assignee, Mr. Vulpy, Birmingham. Seamus, Tnottes WILLIAM GREEN, otherwise Gases, Tram Bamford, Yorkshire, hackney-master, May 28, June 20 : solicitors, Mr. Close, St. MildnursCourt t Mr. Rose, Hampton ; official assignee, Mr. Follett, Sambrook Court. WALKER, Tnottes, Leeds, tallow-chandler, June 4, 23: solicitors, Messrs. Rush- worth, Staple Inn; Mr. Sanderson, Leeds ; ottieta assignee, Mr. Freeman, Leeds. Witamxt SAMUEL, William Street, Limon Grove, grocer, May 29, June 30: solici- tors, Meant Simpson and Cobb„ Moorgate Street ; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Bwinghall Street. Westermeyer, WILLIAM., Bath, grocer May 29, June 30: solicitor, Mr. Latta, Bath ; official aesignas, Mr. Hutton, BristaL DIVIDEND/.

June 12, Agate, Horsham, Sussex, grocer-June 12, Clarkson junfor, Charles Street, Middlesex Hospital, warehouseman-June I5, T. B. and J. Wailer, Ipswich, grocers- June II, Flathead, Fore Street, Cripplagata, milliner-dune II, Ebrey, Antermannary, silk-dresser-Juno 9, Linnit, Argyll ?WO, Regent Street, goldsmith-June 9, Smith and Stanley, Liverpool, merchants-dune 9, Gibbons and Sherwood, Liverpool, map. chants-June 9, Suakin, Liverpool, merchant-Juno 11, Pearson, Neweastie-upon. Tyne, rfelimortger-June I I, Heppe'', Newcastle-upon-Tyne, timber-merchant-drat 12, Buret South Shields, ehip-builder-Jane 11, Agars, Kingston-upon-Hull, woollen. draper-June 10, Lilly, Doddenthill, Worcestershire, farmer-Juno 12, grata and Booth, Sheffield, iren.masters.


To be granted, unless cause be thous, to the contrary, on the day of ineeliny. Jane 9, Kimpbm, Jewin Street, Cripplegate, jeweller -June 15, Martin, Wood Street, Chewier, fringeemaraufacturer-June 10, Hawkins, Hurst, Berkshire, butcher-Tune 9, Barrett, Strand, carver and gilder-dtme 12, Erred], Broad Street, Bloomsbury, draper-June 9, Heppell, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Wriber.merchent-June 9, Maud, LI. verpool, victualler-June 11, Cullen, Nottingham, chemist-June 10, Wright, Tian- worth, scrivener.

To be granted unless cause be shown to the contrary or. or Wore June 9.

Sanderson, Great Russell Street, Covent Garden, baker-Dardier, Liverpool, mer- chant-Harris, High Street, Southwark, tailor-Gibbons, Eton, grocer.


Nell, Manchester, brewer ; second div. of 4s. and a that and second divIof Ss. on new proofs, May 9, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr. Fraser, Manchester-Todd, Hylton Ferry, Durham, shipbuilder ; second div. of 2d. and 2-3ds of a penny, (in addition to 2s. 6d. on new proofs.) any Saturday after May 16; Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne -Thompson and Millis, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, merchants ; that div. of 9d. any Satur- day after May 18 ; Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne-Hall, Durham, grocer ; third div. of 4d. (in addition to 3s. previously declared) any Saturday after May 18; Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne-Williams, Sunderland, currier ; second div. of Id. and 2-11tbs of a penny, (in addition to Is. previously declared,) any Saturday after May 18; Mr. Baker, Newcastie-upon-Tyne-Collyer, Newgate Street, victualler ; first div. of 3s. 10d. any Wednesday ; Mr. Whitmore, Batinghall Street-Wright, Birmingham, cabinet-maker ; first and final div. of ald. any Thursday ; Mr. Christie, Birmingham- Hartshorne, Oldswinford, Worcestershire, iron-manufacturer ; first div. of 70. any Thursday ; Mr. Christie, Birmingham-Gill, Leadeuhall Market, poulterer ; first div. of Is. I id. May 20, and the two subsequent Wednesdays ; Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry- Spiers, North Audley Street, printer ; first div. of 4s. 4d. May 20, and the two subse- q uent Wednesdays ; Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry. SCOTCH SEQUESTRATION. DUDDINGSTONE COAL COMPANY, May 22, June 12.

Friday, May 22.


Ward junior and Co. Leicester, hosiers-Fleming and Tate, Camberwell Green, brewers-Hayward and Broughall, Oswestry, Shropshire, attornies-Carver and Cox, Buckingham Street, Strand, engravers-Parker and Percival, Newton, Lancashire, ironfounders-Hatton and Smith. Smethwick, Staffordshire, manufacturers of iron chests -Forger and Kennet, Haymarket, chemists-Howe and Co. Derbyshire, cotton-spin- ners ; as far as regards A. Howe-G. and I. Braithwaite, Kendal, dry-salters-C. and W. Hubbard, Stockwell, brewers-A. and P. Lattey, Baker Street, surgeons-J. and G. Benson, Grantham, carriers-Moreland and Pagden, City Road, ironfounders-Simpson and Muller, Gravel Lane, Southwark, hat-manufacturers-Hertz and Lowenthal, Brad- ford, merchants-Hollingworth and Greatorex, Melbourne, Derbyshire, lace-manufac- turers-Driver and Clarke, Union Street, Somer'a Town, bakers-Bennett and Row- bothlun, Macclesfield, sllk-tlunwsters-Phillips and Whittem, agricultural agents- Taylor and Shouter, Leicester, drapers-Hall and Parnell, Somersetshire, =haters- Brown and Fryett, Gravesend, auctioneers.


W1113Wf, JOHN, Oxford Street, chemist, May 20.


ALDEBTON, WILLIAM SiBlioN, Chancery Lane, steel pen-manufacterer.

DAVis, JOSEPH, Cannon Street, gun-manufacturer.

ROBBINs, CHAUNCEY, and MARTIN, WILLIAM SMITH, Birmingham, merchants. SPARSE, At.oxastorr, Jewba Street, wine-merchant.


ARMISTEAD, MART, Crawford Street, Marylebone, milliner, to surrender June 2, 30: solicitor, Mr. Philp, Great St. Helen's ; official assignee, Mr. Edwards, Old Jewry.

BACON, Joan EDWARD, Bermondsey, leather-factor, June 4, July 4: solicitor, Mr. Steaming, Long Lane, Bermondsey ; official assignee, Mr. Follett, Sambrook Court.

BEATTIE, ALEXANDER, and MACHAGHTEN, FRANCIS, Nicholas Lane, Lombard Street, merchants, June 10, July 6: solicitors, Messrs. Baxendale and Co. Great Winchester Street ; official assignee, Mr. Graham, Coleman Street.

BERRY, Jour., Church Street, Paddington, draper, June 4, July 4 : solicitor, Mr. Ash- ley, Shoreditch ; official assignee, Mr. Green, Aldermanbury.

COOBAN, EDMONSON, Liverpool, brewer, June 9, 29 : solicitors, Messrs. Cornthwaite and Co. Old Jewry Chamber; Mr. Pemberton, Liverpool ; official assignee, Mr. Turner, Liverpool.

EDWARDS, JAMES. Birmingham, tronfounder, June 6, July 4 : solicitors, Messrs. Vin- cent and Co. Temple ; Mr. Hodgson, Birmingham ; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Birmingham.

HARVEY, THOMAS Him', Weymouth, drain-tile-merchant, June 3, 25: solicitors, Mr. Dangerfield, Chancery Lane ; Messrs. Stone and Symonds, Dorchester ; Mr. Stog- don, Exeter ; official assignee, Mr. Hirtzel, Exeter.

Hamm, JOSEPH, Aldermanbury, woollen-warehouseman, June 2, July 9: solicitors, Messrs. Norton and Son, New Street, /lishopsgate ; official assignee, Mr. Johnson, Ba- linghall Street.

Jonas, GEORGE, Toxteth Park, Lancashire, builder, June 2, 30: solicitors, Mr. Berke- ley, Lincoln's Inn Fields ; Mr. Jones, Liverpool ; official assignee, Mr. Cazenove, Li- ✓ L

Kerpooruorer, Rieman) and ALFRED, Budge Row, stationers, May 28, July 8: solicitor, Mr. Wilkinson, Nicholas Lane ; official assignee, Mr. Bell, Coleman Street Buildings. LEAMAN, ANDREW VALENTINE and WILLIAM ANDREW, Fenchurch Street, mahogany merchants, May 26, July 8 : solicitors, Messrs. Tilson and Co. Coleman Street, official assignee, Mr. Bell, Colemau Street Buildings.

111•Dowatt, WALTER; Pemberton Row, Gough Square, printer, June 6, July 3: soli- citors, Holme and Co. New Inn ; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Basinghall Street.

Ifsiurnam, ROBERT Mittman', Edmonton, boarding-housekeeper, June 1, July 6: solicitor, Mr. Wells, Bell Yard, Doctors' Commons ; official assignee, Mr. Tux:nand, Old Jewry Chambers.

Run, ROBERT HOWARD, Great Yarmouth, innkeeper, June 2, July 9: solicitor, Mr. Brisley, Pancras Lane ; official assignee, Mr. Johnson, hasinghall Street.

PERRY, JAMIE, Harlow, Essex, grocer, June 9, July 3: solicitor, Mr. Jones, She lane ; official assignee, Mr. Groom, Abchurch Lane.

RHODES, PETER, Manchester, cotton-spinner, June 8, 24: solicitors, Messrs. Gregory and Co. Bedford Row ; Messrs. Hampson and Son, Manchester ; official assignee, Mr. Fraser, Manchester.

Rourasos, ANN, Chester-le-Street, Durham, linendraper, May 29, July 7: solicitors, Messrs. Bell and Co. Bow Churchyard ; Messrs. Cbater, Newcastle-upon-Tyne ; official assignee, Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

Thrum, WILLIAM, Worcester, share-broker, June 4, July 4 : solicitors, Messrs. Smith and Co. Bedford Row • Messrs. Mottram and Knowles, Birmingham ; official assignee, Mr. Bittleston, Birmingham.

THORN, ALEXANDER, High Holborn, oilman, June 2, 30: solicitor, Mr. Philp, Great St. Helen's ; official assignee, Mr. Edwards, Old Jewry.

Waive, WILLIAM, Morpeth Street, Bethnal Green, builder, May 30, June 25: soli- citor, Mr. Manning, Craven Street ; official assignee, Mr. Green, Aldennanbury. DIVIDENDS.

June 12, Blacklocks, Lydd, Kent, innkeeper-June 13, Wolton, Halstead, Essex, Iron- monger-June 12, Graham and Co. Cheapslde, calico-printers-June 16, Dickinson, South Portman Mews, Portman Square, farrier-June 17, Ross and Ogilvie, Argyll Street, army-agents-June 19, Bell, Fenchurch Street, merchant-June 12, Ogle, Pick- Wick, Wiltshire, and Walton, Liverpool, merchants-June 19, J. and S. Owen, Sheffield, merchants-June 19, Wingfield, Rotherham, Yorkshire, common-brewer-June 28, Butler, Basford, Nottingiuunshire, Iron-merchant-June 16, J. and D. Sugden, Kirkbur- ton, fancy cloth-manufacturers-June 17, Haselden, Bolton-le-Moors, cotton-spinner- June 17, Wren, Proton, share-broker-June 16, Wilkinson, Ulverston, wine-merchant.

CERTIFICATES To be granted, Waal cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.

"-June 19, Innell and Cookes, Little Queen Street, varnish-manufacturers-June 16, E. and H. Emanuel, Hanover Square, goldsmiths-Jane 17, Smyrk, Hill Street, Finsbury, ftinge-manufacturer-June 17, Hipwood, Cornhill, merchant-June 16, Buchanan, Old Jewry Chambers, merchant-June 16, Newell, Acton, sheep-salesman-June 16, Jack- son, Liverpool, share-broker-June 15, Kelly, Liverpool, provision-dealer-June 18, Ewbank, Manchester, share-broker-June 15, Brown, Manchester, cotton-spinner.

To be granted unless cause be shown to the contrary on or before June 12.

Clark, Crescent, Minories, merchant-Baker, London, warehouseman-Reis and Co. Fenchurch Street, merchants-Tubb, Palace Row, New Road, cow-keeper-Mears, Leeds, grocer-Castle, Newbury, Berkshire, horse-dealer-France and Lawton, Leeds, stock-brokers-Hill, Birmingham, currier-Sleddon New Mills, Derbyshire, cotton- spinner-Coker, Narford, Norfolk, timber-dealer-Blacklocks, Lydd, Kent, innkeeper- Eastwood, London, warehouseman-Duke, Newark-upon-Trent, plaster-merchant- Cunningham, Strand, bookseller-Brewster, Bath, chemist-ferry, Stroud, Gloucester-

shire, coach-builder. DECLARATIONS OP DIVIDENDS.

Froeschlen and Price, Dover Street, Piccadilly, tailors ; first dlr. of 2s. any Wednes- day; Mr. Graham, Coleman Street-M'Entire, Paternoster Row, commission-agent ; first div. of 2s. 9d. any Wednesday ; Mr. Graham, Coleman Street-Leader, Oxford Street, coachmaker ; second div. of Is. 5d. any Wednesday ; Mr. Graham, Coleman Street-Watson, Cornhill, manufacturer of flags ; first div. of Is. na. any Wednesday ; Mr. Graham, Coleman Street-Newhouse, Huddersfield, plumber ; final div. of Si. any day ; Mr. Young, Leeds. SCOTCH SEQUISTILATIoNs. M•Qoaaaa, W., Glasgow, hatter. May 28, June 17. Mimes, A., Airdrie, spirit-dealer, May 27, June 7.