23 MAY 1896, Page 21


Outlines of Eng'ish Industrial History. By W. Cunningham, D.D., and Ellen McArthur. (Cambridge University Press.)—It is quite impossible within the limits of space which we can command to discuss the many important qtiesticns raised in this volume. One cardinal virtue of the writers is that they do not regard the past from a modern standpoint. There are writers who judge the men and measures of mediwval times by the standard of the Cobden Club. The growth of a nation is like the growth of a man. It has its stages; there are drawbacks, hindrances, ail- ments. But, on tho whole, we may be sure that it has come to be what it is in the best way, perhaps we might say the only possible way. This volume will be found useful in itself, and still more useful as an introduction to a thorough study of the subject.