23 MAY 1908, Page 13


Sin,—I was much interested by a sentence in your article of May 16th on "Co-education and Teaching by Women " : "The fact that a boy may be flogged in the public) schools of England is, in our opinion, one of the most valuable privileges the well-to-do classes have retained for themselves." With this sentiment I, as a schoolmaster of many years' standing, fully agree, and you may think it worth while to record, as some proof that boys as they grow older are also of the same opinion, an extract from a letter received, by a remark- able coincidence, on the same morning as your last issue from an " old boy" :—" I wish I had been a better scholar. I am afraid you were not half strict enough with me. I think I shall have to ask yon to give me a thrashing when I 'come to your study' when next we meet."—I am, Sir, &c., A. C.

[We have received a very large number of letters on this subject, but can, to our regret, only find room for the selection given above.—En. Spectator.]