23 MAY 1914, Page 17


[To TR: Eason or TIM "STSZTZTOR.".1

Sia,—A large number of people are working earnestly in various ways to improve village life, but owing to the increase of societies there is much overlapping, with the consequent loss of both funds and labour, which, in my opinion, might to a great extent be prevented. With this end in View, the following resolution of mine was unanimously carried at , the meeting on May 14th of the Executive Committee of the National Land and Home League, Queen Anne's Chambers, Westminster, and a small sub-committee was formed to consider same and report :—

" As the League's objects are so varied and the field of its labours so vast, it is essential, in order to save time, energy, and money, to ascertain what other non-party organizations exist for improving village life; also where and how they are working, and whether, by co-operation or federation, the whOle force of this national movement can be concentrated."

The assistance of any of your readers interested in this subject will be gladly accepted and all suggestions welcomed. particularly if accompanied by the rules and constitution of such organizations as are above referred to.—I am, Sir, &c.,

Pall Mall, S.W.