22 MAY 1941, Page 15


Sia,—" Janus," in his foot-note to my letter of the r6th (in which I clearly said that it was the coroner's report and not Mrs. Woolf's action which I criticised) states that, though I said I was not criticising her, I in fact was, and to prove this he writes "Mrs. Woolf was reported as saying 'I cannot carry on.' Mrs. Hicks says 'Where shall we all be with this 'tort of 'I cannot carry on?" His is a false inference. Mrs. Woolf was never reported as using these words—see Mr. Woolf's letter. It was I, and I alone, who used them, as a summary of the coroner's remarks. "Janus," in trying to prove my lack of charity, throws a boomerang. May I say here that we should probably agree that the coroner's verdict was the only one for any cause of suicide?

1. We cannot see into the heart and mind of another. A suicide faces the truth with his Maker alone.

2. It is kind to the relatives.

But to say one person is more " sensitive " than another is unkind to others, for again, no one can ever measure another's sensitiveness. —Yours faithfully, ICannzEti Macs. The Old Palace, Lincoln.

["Janus " writes: The Sunday Times report, on which Mrs. Hicks stated her original letter was based, recorded the words, "I cannot go on." I freely make a present to Mrs. Hicks of any deductions to be drawn from the difference between that and "I cannot carry on."]