22 MAY 1941, Page 15

Wholemeal Loaf .

When T. first asked my baker, the most courteous of men, for the wholemeal loaf he replied, " Ah, but I doubt if you'll like it," and went on to relate stories of other customers who had asked for it and had been disappointed. The second time he replied that anyway it was "the same as our own ordinary brown.' I hear of similar experiences. The loaf is either unpopular, unwanted or difficult to get. We decided finally to make our own. This turned out to be excellent stuff, but generally drier in texture than one would have liked. This also seems to be a general experience ; perhaps there is a tip for getting a loaf of moister, closer texture? Another thing against home-baking is that the labour of kneading wholemeal dough twice a week for a sizable family is just sheer hard work. Yet the wholemeal loaf was never more needed, and there was probably never a time when there were so many means of popularising it. There is no bread like it ; certainly not "our ordinary brown." But is the campaign for popularising it all that it should be? Dare the Ministry of Food revise the process of telling the public how excellent this bread it by telling them exactly what white bread isn't? Is the public generally acquainted, for example, with milling processes? Does it know, I wonder, that not only is the germ taken out of its white bread but that the addition of water is, in the words of an expert, a profit-factor?