23 NOVEMBER 1833, Page 11



Till to-day, the market has been in a state of inactivity, and the bieizte:1 transacted onimportant. The fluctuation in Consols, and generally in the Eul- lish Funds, have been few; but notwithstanding the searetty of Money Stock, there doeS not appear any indication of an hut-trot:in:Cut iii prices. Consols Lave been at 88 and 871, and close to-day at 87 Exchequer Bills continue at 40 42 prem.

We sonic time ago noticed the large speculations which since the beginning' of the year had I'en commenced and carried on in Cotton and Colonial produce.. The great rise which consequently occurred in these•rommodities bas been fol-

lowed by corresponding reaction ; and though prices generally are higher than when these speculations commenced, the decline from .the higbest.prices kat been considerable. Large losses have thus been e,ntailed on those speculators who were so. unfortunate as to write last into the field. Hence a disinclination is prevalent among capitalists, to afford accommodation to the extent generally granted ; and though money is in reality plentiful, it appears to be scarce, • front the circumstances above rekrred to.

The Foreign Market has been in the same state of torpor as the English ;. and the only activity manifested during tine week has been shown to-day. ,Thesales of Dutch Stock, to which we referred last week, have been resumed today; and though the political intelligence both from Holland and Belgium is on the whole favourable. and the price of Dutch' Stock in 'Amsterdam is iinjn-ovitig, the market here is-borne down by the weight of Stock . thrown • upon it; end unless-the investments become morerstensiv.e the price cannot improve. Bel- gian Stock is lower ; the price being 95. Au extensive sate of Daniell Beads has been effected, at S2i ; but the price bus .maintained itself. at the snoreinal quotation. Brazilian Bonds are quoted louver, viz. 6.5.U; but the transactions in them have been unimportant. Portuguese Regency Bonds are lower, Viz. 59460; the last intelligence from Listani being unfavourable. A -statement has appeared that a new loan has been contracted fur by the Government of-Donna MARIA ; but it has been officially contradicted A1ENDIZABEL, the agent

of the Government. Spanish Stock maintains its • pike, and is .224 but

from the uncertain nature of the intelligence front the Peninsada, the transaie- tions in it have been few. Columbian Bonds are lower, the speculative denials& having ceased : the price- to. day is 221.


We have little to report this morning : . not a a :bargain has, up to this hour, been effected in Consols for Account; . the price for money is 87 Er, which is also the nominal quotation for Account. In the Foreign 'Market, Dutch Stock is rather higher, the price being 49,i A. Intelligence has been received fr!itn Lisbon to the Itith. The Miguelites hal not obtained any further success in Algarve, and through the exertions of Admiral NArIER, the port of St. Mks had been secured against surprise. Some trifling success had attended de.rfforts of the forces of Den Peon.° before Santarem, but AllCuEr. still occupied at position in force. The Regency Bonds are consequently rather BOA A. Spanish Stock is also at a slight improvement on yesterday's juice, via.



Consds for Ac,.ount were at one time in the course of the.afteruoon sellers,at ; but close it . ;,:orning's price. Portuguese Regency Bonds are at 60A. Spanish Stock he.at at 23.1.; hot is now 23 6. 3 per Cent. co -; 7 Belgian 5 per Cents... 95} M'exienn 6 per Cent,...33; 4/

Ditto tbr Alaven: ;Irazilian 5 p. Cts..... 654 Porn:geese 5 p. et:... 621

New 31. p. Ct. Ana . . Danish 3 per Cents... 721 3 Mlle; eney Se SpCt. G14

Bank Stock — !hitch 24 per Cents... 48; 4 Prussian C1811) S p. Ct. -- India Stock French 31ter Cents.... --Iltuss. (1822) 5 p. Ct... 1024;

Exchequer Eills 40 4. Greek (1833) S p.. Cts. 104 5; Spanish (1821) 3 p. 22331