23 NOVEMBER 1833, Page 11

Mr. F. O'Connor, M.P., has written to Mr. Hill, M.P.

for Hull, -to proclaim the traitor Member of Ireland, if there exist such a one among the Repealers. He states the person reported to have given the secret. advice to Ministers sou -the Coercion Bill, was Mr. Shiel, but ht (Mr. O'Connor) does not believe it., Dr. Baldwin, M. P. for Cork, has addressed a letter to Mr. Hill to the same effect ; and the Honourable Pierce Butler, M.P. for the county of Kilkenny, has written to the editor of the Freeman's Journal on the suldeet, and to state his reasons for having voted against the Coercion Bill. None of these letters, not even that of Mr. O'Connell himself, contairea direct and positive denial of the charge, but merely express their indignation at such an imputation.—Courier.