23 NOVEMBER 1833, Page 9

Lord Grey has given the vacant stall at Canterbury to

Dr. Hunt, who had refitted a Deanery, on political grounds, from the Tory Admi- nistration; and the Deanery of Lichfield to the HonourahleDr.Howard, Lord Carlisle's brother.

It is said, in the military circles, that the Government allowances to army-agents (nearly 20,0001. per annum) are to be considerably re- duced ; that all transactions between the agents and regimental pay- masters are to be performed by the War-office direct ; and that the ex- penses of keeping the Colonel's accounts and his off-reckonings arc to be paid by these officers themselves.

Mr. Leonard Homer has been appointed one of the Inspectors of Factories, in the room of Mr. Musgrave, who has declined the situa- tion. Mr. Horner's district comprehends Scotland, and the North of Ireland. The salary, we believe, is to be LOW/. a year.

Prince Talleyrand and the Dutehess de Ditto are expected at the re- sidence of the French Embassy this evening.

The superintendent of Kensington Gardens has received instructions to cut down two thousand more trees in addition to those cut down last season. The workmen commenced their labours on Monday last_ At the twenty-first anniversary of the Macclesfield Auxiliary Bible Society, held on Thursday week, the following advertisement, copied from a Chinese newspaper, was read.

" Achen Tea Chinchin, sculptor, respectfully acquaints masters of ships trad- ing from Canton to India, that they may be furnished with figure-heads of any size according to order, at one fourth of the price charged in Europe. He also recommend; for private venture the following idols, brass, gold, and silver :—The hawk of Vislinoo, which has reliefs of his incarnation in a fish, bear, lion, and turtle. An Egyptian apis, a golden calf and bull, as worshipped by the pious followers of Zoroaster. Two silver mainmosits, with golden earrings. An aprimanes, for Persian worship; a ram, an alligator, a crab, a laughing hyena, with a variety of household gods on a small scale, calculated for family worship. Eighteen months' credit will be given, or a discount of fifteen per cent. for prompt payment of the sum affixed to each article. Direct, China street, Can- ton, under the Marble Rhinoceros and Gilt Hydra."

Captain Forman, of the ship Transit of Hull, was swept off deck into the sea on the 6th instant, when his vessel was in view of Heli- goland light. He saw the wave approaching, and said, " That's a snitcher! " the instant after it struck, and threw the ship on her beam-ends.

Errors of the press sometimes cause a sad confusion of ideas and misapprehension of fact. The Morning Herald gives a curious instance, in its own case. In detailing the evidence of a witness against Mr. Reeve, whose conduct on board the Earl Wemyss brought him into trouble, two typographical errors occurred, which had the effixt of very materially altering the sense of the paragraph. The principal error was the substitution of Bed for Rev. Thus the words—" The black silk bag now produced, with its contents, I removed from the bed; Mr. Holloway has had it in his possession ever since," ought to have been- " The black silk bag now produced, with its contents, I received from the Rev. Mr. Holloway: I have had it in my possession ever since."