23 NOVEMBER 1839, Page 3

, 4 .t.dniey evening, an boniest was held on the corpse of

=.1-. Wi lint. is Sims, Whose suicide was mentioned. last week, the evident.; it appeared that Mr. Sims had been muelt liar* business. le was a partner in two mercantile firms. (lithium: (denarvon Iron Company, chairman of the Croat Weitern Ceinpany, and a Bank Director. Ile was a bachelor, abot n. nmarkoldy attentive to business, and sueposed. to be a very ne, Immo F. -lien cc was given that his own p-iv:.te banking au,

the :went:tits of the houses with which he was connected, -e Int

are called " good accounts "—the amount of assets in hand being con- bidemble. Mr. Sims, however, had complained to his solicitor, that he "had two nnmy irons in the fire," and, " what with the Bank and other clatters," was " overdone." He talked of a journey to Madrid by way of relaxation, with one of his brothers. He had insured his hills for Awn!. with the intention, as be said, of surprising his family with an unexpeeted fortune. Nothing remarkable appeared in his manner on Thursday night when he went to bed ; but on Friday he did not make his appearance as usual, and his servant found him lying down, his head shattered by a pistol-bullet, the pistol in his right hand. He had twidaily shot himself through the mouth, 'rite Jury found a verdict el' " Temporary Insanity." [It has been stated that Mr. Sims was a t.pecu- lator to an immense amount in Spanish Stock, the value of whieh had fallen in his hands; but this report has been contradicted authoritatively.] On 'Fueeday, a Coroner's Jury assembled to inquire into the circuit:- .tances of the suicide of Mrs. Priscilla Austin, wife of Mr. Antony kustin, of Bayswater, and ,dadghter of the late Mr. David Ricardo. The housemaid said, that el'i Saturday morning she found her moistness sltting in laa4011e. bed-clothes covered with blood; and it was found that Mrs. Altstin had cut her throat with two pelikuives, which were found on the bed. Mr. Austin was too much distressed to appear lie- fire time .bury ; but Mrs. Austin's brother and the f.ervants gave evi- dence whieli satisfied the Jury of her " temporary mental derangemcnt." Mr. Shims Ives an intimate friend and dientot m elation of the flunliv t and the accefelt of his suicide had deeply affected Mrs. Austin.

Oo '171tursday morning, John Archdeacon, It peesoo in the employ of a od:aler in wild beast 4, for supplying menageries and shows, mt-ti-ti ;A in landing a tiger from a ship in the Pool, near the London

Docks, he was suddenly enti,.dtt ioentss the back of the neck end head he the animal, and shockingly lacerated. /le was removed to the hospi tat.