23 NOVEMBER 1839, Page 5

(adduct Couacils were heal on aa.....aa a ., Tuaelay, Weduaaaay, and yesterday.

ken hunting on \t ii last wt,11 !Amt.! . the whole of a beer, raw, cold .1t.y_ he had t: '0 10 1.,!."..'r, t wanner Castle, he sate ltiiutscht IV! liCi .t.s. :•.15 .1., it' l'.,e previous cold fell asleep, On wraaiee, . eau ama 5e, 1. p..,■51 his ined ; which so for inconveniencca Itim as to i male, 2 55:- t • end thy medical assistance, anti to dissuade hint ft 0,,, : it 1 15'1'1' '5' ',51,5 Imm he had that

5 -1 to Ime, and the

eaa., oad e laver Sainmonses were issued on Tee,la • an a Wellesley to ,,11 the Mem- Lers of the Privy Council to atteml a inaaaaaa of the cuenail this day at Beekingham Palace.

The serious illnema of the Delia or WaLlaiaain was announce-1 in the 'Tama of Wednesday. it the folareiter :enliss - - Oar .Dover corresa in.1-mt s:•:ti, 4,3,..... 11'...d., I l..i f.dloivin.;. inameholy in_ ea:a:once. In common with evia\ tielit- a a. led pa:atm la ihi: hicy:(10111, WC 111,',t COnlially hope alai pray, Ilan it' t',e in:arm:eh:1 he correct, ilea attack 55 - • be less serious than our it:form:lit i:_e..,...: Si apprn wee-

5. : '. a :•..• I.: 15 Nsvsnita.r.

thksn speechless. Dr. alearinar •.,.... ...*Last evening, almut half-pist aar aaaesa, 'h.: !!) '-

''55, 15 5 5 .5 -hr. Halke, i ii,gton was

the surgeon; who were in attie51-.

, imt It is said he :,■• reports the 1)17,.e remained speechkss till -.:x ,, I, satnething better to-day. Il: • ' f. em Loindon, anti arrieed this afternoon at three Si0' .

In the evening of the sale.. : , , a' ala ;171:..,;y was in a great mea- sere relieved by the folloalan eon:voted repert of the Duke's state of health, in the Standard— -.1) ,-.- .-... NAAe:.0.-et. 19. seven p.m., "Doubtless by this, all sorts of :::

- ,./ ',.../ indisposition. You Will , ...., I.:.se rer.i.iiteil the aletro- po'ds rslative to the Duke of '.',-. '

...• --t ....ttitei. ot ..tqa.piexv,' litc. &C. hear Di. the ‘ .1.1arming Muss, : , : ii.: :::s1i by i. i:s.iS. Tile day before

Believe in nothing ot the sort. I t.

' ' .. • l'tFla coal,' and tasted yesterday, the Duke took it it , 1:;:: !,...;.1,,J.:.,:•;th .: -,yst iin on )lunday,

noththg of food the entire of ,itzlii- , . be Isiands; and on and finling- himself betthr, lie Ini•sini. ..is was isi exhausted, returning to Walmer Ca Al.. aib•ii -1 - I that lie actually fainted fr..ii, b. : . 1. By medical 111;a119 sill iii:::: morning de-

he soon rallied. Ile 1)1E1,...,1 'hi.- !! s. t•1 r.•''.1 i sired to rise at his usual hour of: ..:5• : '5.:1 :, . • 5.:55.5.5.amended his 6 la,: to remain longer in 1,051. 1,

' aored to his usual

5, .1 5 -.et:id *deep ; and, 1%-sit the blessing of Ced, I.., ( '- health. Rumours le re h•ul i!..• i , Co. . ALt-tia I repeat, believ... it nothing- of the surt —!' c :..

Va, terday the Ti.. : , I■u7,: 7 i ......1'. vela-site: of the f rat attack- " ....0 'I. "I have jttst Teti:lilted from .•

1,.• ••• 's he Ithke of h iv.: ....T..' in in- forming you, itinm nittlisri•y • M."..11ingtttn, that his Gratis is !!.. i: tit,. severity has been r..ir,:ativ ..! i-...t..!•;;olg to

T As it

.5- s-. •am. alialt- very " t in the 'mt .\


• v.. c a short Lis O rice had

Lonaon this day, Itch tout the _ -; .• .•:: ••

is, his return to tmvii is only pi.. t•tulid too. a eatraortlinary takes pi, 'Times, will proliably is (;1:...•.,

lit :saving that .05e :le 5.a SIC mulch exagearata a 1 ao it; •5 5.

tittle e r:eaalv lute., a. From (-I:: 1

day invited to dinner. lite I next day his Grace was !push b.: t

speechless. He colltinitcd to by his two physicians—Sir Astley Cooper and Dr. Hume—with Lord Fitzroy Somerset and others."

The Duke arrived at Apsley House last night, and is expected to attend the Queen's Privy Council to-day.