23 NOVEMBER 1867, Page 23

Lift ofPastor Fliedner ofSaiserswerth. Translated from the German. By Catherine

Winkworth. (Longmans.)—This is a simple and natural sketch of the life of a man with whom Mr. de Liefde's books have made us familiar. Pastor Fliedner is the founder, amongst other things, of the order of Deaconesses, but though this order is his great work, the "other things" are by no means insignificant. What particularly strikes us in Pastor Fliedner's life, is the unwearied energy combined with faith almost amounting to credulity, and with more than childlike simplicity. We use all these terms in their best sense, but even in that sense such characteristics are truly remarkable. It was only their union which made each one of them succeed as it did, and the two last would probably have led to disastrous consequences if they had not been supported by the first. Miss Winkworth has done well to translate this short life of the Pastor, and all who are interested in works of charity will do well to read it.