23 NOVEMBER 1907, Page 19


[To Tat EDITOR OP Tit "SPECTATOR."] SIE, —Will you kindly assist us in our efforts to raise additional funds for the building of the Anglican church at Khartoum by inserting in your journal the enclosed letter of appeal P—I am, Sir, &c.,

REGINALD WINGATE, Major-General (Governor-General of the Soudan).

The Palace, Khartoum.

[Our very limited space does not allow us to print Sir Reginald Wingate's letter of appeal, but we are very glad to take this opportunity of drawing our readers' attention to so excellent an object. The letter forwarded to us was accom- panied by an attractive illustrated pamphlet showing the design for the church, and giving evidence of the great developments which have taken place at Khartoum. It would be deplorable if so important a centre of British influence as Khartoum were left without a building worthy of the English Church. We may add that subscriptions will be gratefully received by the hon. secretary in England, Alfred Dyke Acland, Esq., 186 Strand, W.C., or by the hon. secretary in the Soudan, Major P. R. Phipps, Khartoum. Cheques should be crossed "Khartoum Church Fuud."—En. Spectator.]