23 NOVEMBER 1907, Page 3

Mr. Asquith addressed a large meeting at Nuneaton on Saturday

last. Devoting his remarks chiefly to Mr. Balfour's speech at Birmingham, Mr. Asquith observed that when Mr. Balfour rose most of his Protectionist friends must have asked themselves, " Shall we get him P" and when he sat down, " Have we got him ? " As a perfectly disinterested and impartial spectator, Mr. Asquith thought that the bird had the best of it. Free-trade was even more necessary to the country now than sixty years ago, and it was odd that Mr. Balfour's policy of starting social reform and Imperial pro- gress should begin by drying up the springs of industry. Throughout the course of his speech Mr. Asquith was constantly interrupted by shouts of " Votes for women!" from ladies present, no fewer than thirty of whom were summarily and forcibly ejected.