23 OCTOBER 1830, Page 3

The Constitutional forces entered Spain on the 13th. A letter

from General de \Two, dated the 14th, at Bayonne, communicates the intelligence. The General states that he had just returned from Vida°, where he left Colonel VALDEZ and his troops in high spirits. A proclamation was issued by VALDEZ on the 13th, ad- dressed to the soldiers—of the Kings army, we guess—for the proclamation is most laudably obscure, as so important a document ought to be. Such was the amount of the informal ien received in the beginning of the week. Since that time, it has Leen stated that the Constitutional troops entered Spain at tins different points, and that MINA was commander-in-chief. Do Vic o says nothing of MINA. Yesterday, a rumour which had been previ- ously spread abroad, and had not been believed, was confidently reproduced, that the gallant VALDEZ had been defeated, his army (?) cut to pieces, and that the fragments that escaped were dis- armed as fast as they crossed the French frontier. By way of diversion, the gallant General TORRIJOS has, it seems, arrived at Gibraltar, to commence the war there—in person we suppose, for the gallant General has no army. Of VALDEZ'S defeat we may add no doubt can be entertained ; our Government has received in- telligence of it.