23 OCTOBER 1964, Page 15


SK—In airily dismissing Hanna Segal's book Introduction to the Work of Melanie Klein, Dr. Sargant rests his case on one point and one point only; namely, that neither Melanie Klein nor Dr. Segal was a physician and could not know there- fore about the brain.

Dr. Segal is in fact a well-qualified physician, with many years' experience as a psychiatrist before becoming a psychoanalyst.


The Melanie Klein Trust, Hon. Secretary 35 Ennismore Gardens Mews, SW7 [Dr. Sargant writes: 'My main reference was, of course. to Melanie Klein and her non-medically qualified leadership of the Freudian analysts in this country. Unfortunately. Dr. Hanna Segal made no mention in the book of the medical degree obtained by her in 1943 from the Polish School of Medicine in Edinburgh.'---Editor, Spectator.]