23 OCTOBER 1999, Page 36

Perpetually incorrect

From Mr Gilead Cooper Sir: I am extremely worried that Mr Paul Johnson may be wavering in his enthusias- tic support of Tony Blair.

For the past 15 or 20 years, Johnson has been perfectly wrong about everything. Well-informed or manifestly ignorant, he has consistently reached the wrong conclu- sion on every topic he has discussed. Poli- tics, religion, art, culture, music, people, issues, momentous or trivial: invariably Johnson is wrong. There was one occasion a few years ago when, to my alarm, he sug- gested that John Singer Sargent was a good painter; but he went on to describe him as the greatest painter of the century, which is obvious tosh. So reliably has Johnson suc- ceeded in being wrong that, when I have no opinion on a matter, I am content to adopt whatever view is the exact opposite of the one expressed by him.

So what am I to do now? I cannot bring myself to admire Blair, and yet, if Paul Johnson becomes hostile to him., I will doubt my own judgment. Madness may fol- low. Please, therefore, can you insist that my lodestar continues to portray Blair as the noblest, the truest, the most perfect prime minister in the history of prime ministers? Gilead Cooper 11 New Square, Lincoln's Inn, London WC2