23 OCTOBER 2004, Page 38

From Charles Thompson Sir: If you think that England is

overrun by a culture of false grief, you should come over to Ulster. Nobody — but nobody — 'does' manufactured grief and victimhood better than Irish republican terrorists and their supporters in this part of the United Kingdom. It is a 24/7/365 job for them in the belief that if they tell a lie often enough it becomes the truth, of which the wider world (and particularly the plastic Paddies in America) will be convinced.

Decent people here often have to put up with three-/six-/nine-month terrorist ceremonials for their propaganda purposes after each IRA hero's death and annually thereafter. Daily we have to look at illegally erected memorials carved in the finest marble and solemnly dedicated to IRA murderers (although occasionally a solid citizen will sledgehammer the stone in the middle of the night). Also we regularly see the illegal — and sometimes legal, if the terrorists have enough Sinn Fein/IRA mouthpieces on the local council — naming of streets, parks, bridges and other facilities after dead IRA hunger-strikers.

Charles Thompson

Belfast, Northern Ireland