23 OCTOBER 2004, Page 38

From Elizabeth Rogers-Ross Sir: 1 write to express my disgust

at the recent unfounded criticisms of my fellow Liverpudlians. I have lived most of my adult life away from my native city but this does not mean that my pride in being a blood-and bone Liverpudlian is in any way diminished.

When the IRA disrupted the Grand National at Aintree a few years ago, local people — oversentimental Liverpudlians of course — took total strangers into their homes so that they could stop over, close to the racecourse, and see the race run the following day. The late, much-loved Archbishop of Liverpool, Derek Warlock, praised the Liverpool `Mams' who instigated this kindly gesture.

I take comfort in the following, from 'Portrait of Liverpool' by Harold Channon: 'Above all, I am enchanted by the ebullience, the sharp humour, the inquisitiveness, the generosity, the extravagances, the "ello, luv!" and "tarrah well!" of the Liverpudlian. Maligned in print, lampooned on TV, endowed with Welsh fervour, Irish eccentricity, Lancashire gumption and a sailor's perception. ..".

Elizabeth Rogers-Ross

By email