23 SEPTEMBER 1837, Page 8



A general half-yearly meeting of the Proprietary of the Bank of England occurred yesterday ; at which the only business of importance transacted was the declaration of a dividend for the current half-year. It was anticipated that the Directors would have been called upon for sonic explanation of the circuit- stances which induced them recently to withhold further assistance from the great houses in the Atnetican trade; but the business of the meeting was entirety of a routine nature, and its proceedings were not of sufficient public interest to call for any remark. Money still continues abundant, although the premium both of India Bonds and Exchequer Bills is a shade lower than last week. The fluctuations of the Consol market have not exceeded h per cent. and the business transacted has been on a very limited scale. In the Foreign Market, Spanish Stock has experienced a depression of nearly 1 per cent. ; the Active Bonds with May Coupon attached having been as low as 19h. Some firmness, however, was given to the market by purchases on foreign accounts; and the price rose to 20i: but the defeat at Andoain has operated to cause a depression of nearly /I per cent, from that quotation. Messrs. LISA RUE and Co. have issued an official notice tor the conversion and consolidation of the Mexican debt: the main features of the scheme were mentioned last week.

The business in South American Bonds has not been so extensive as it was last week, and the prices have slightly given way. The Dutch, Russian, and other European Stocks, continue at last week's prices. The Portuguese Bonds have not been much affected by the occurrences in Portugal, and have experienced but slight fluctuation,. The Railway Shares have continued stationary, without any transactionsof importance.

sertnintlt. Pork o'cLorr.

'Ile husiness transacted during this afternoon has been SO trifling, that tha prices of Stocks are generally the same as in the looming, not a single iluetua. t .Itt having occured.

3 per Cent. Consols 91; 92

Brazilian 3 per Cents

96; Dow for Aeenunt 92} Dinch 4 per Cents 53 3 p,r Cc .1. Re.loced shut Danish 73 New 31 pot. Cent. Anna 99; ;

Portnenese liegeney Sp. Cts.


Ilan!: ,..o.lt


Ditto 3 per Cent.

26 I,, .., s!!..ein --

Ittis.ian (I;,2a) 5 per Cent... 113 4

Ditto 11::le Is

50 53

Spanish (I:4)5) 5 per Cent...

15, 20 Exelietplor ll ills

47 49 Decemst Stock 6: 1 l'..dgiati 3 per Cents 1031 Passive Ditto 4; 5 sArvan•v. TWELVE o'CLOCI.

Consols are firma at an advance of h per cent, on the prices of yesterday, with very little &hug. India Bonds and Exchequer Bills are also at improved quotations. The South American Bonds are steady at the following prices: Mexican Six per Cents. 281 29: Five per Cents. 23 to 24; Columbian 25h 26; Chilian 30 to 31. The other Foreign Stocks and The Railway Shares are generally at yesterday's prices.