23 SEPTEMBER 1843, Page 21



Ou the 7th September, at Hampstead. the Lady of Lieutenant-Colonel D. MACLEOD. of the 6th Madras Light Cavalry, of a son. On the 9th, at King s Pyon House, Helefortishire, the Lady of the Rev. T. II. WEBB, or a daughter. On the 11th, at Sowdeu Villa, near Lympstane. the Lady of Captain HENRY ROGERS. Orison.

tin the 1611,. at Wiuningtou flail. Cheshire. the Lady of the Right Hun. E./. STAR- LIT, Ma son. On the 16th, at the Rectory, Stoke Hamond, Bucks, the Lady JULIA BeowEss, of a son.

Ou the 16th. at the Rectory, Wootton, the Lady of the Rev. WILLIAM 111...m.rous: Lee. of a daughter. On the 16th, at Allo t, Mrs. DUNCAN, widow of the late uufintunate Commander of the Royal mail-steamer Solway. of a daughter. On the 17th. at Woodeote. the Lady Lomat Cores, of a son and heir.

On the 17th. at itoconnoe. Lady Loom Forerratette. of a daughter.

Ou the 17th, at Clyde Hattie, hridport. the Lady of Josren GUNDRY. Esq.. of a son. On the 13th, at Boltoa Lodge. near Tadeaster, the Lady of Colonel G H. Thome- SON. of a son, still-hero.

On the 18th, at Park Street. Grosvenor Square, Mrs. CHARLES KEAN. of a daughter. On the 18th, at Ruyton Rectory, Shropshire, the Lady of the Rev. ROBERT BaroN, of a lion.

Ou the 20th. at Glevering, the Hon. Mrs. VATINECK. of a daughter. Ou the 21st, at Harrow-un3lte-Hill, the Wife of Dr. WORDSWORTH, of a son.


On the 6th September. at Gibraltar. Lieutenant-Colonel Lotus. of the Royal Artillery, son of the late Admiral Sir Thomas Loeb', Bart., to Ilexes TALAVERA, daughter of J. M. BRACKENBCRY. Esq.. K.H., late her Majesty's Coosul at Cadiz. On the 6th, at Willoughby. the Rev. JOHN Hata. M.A.. Rector of Corley. Salop. to Jusrora. youngest daughter of the Rev. JOHN MILES, Rector of Willoughby Waterless, Leicestershire.

On the Eth, nt Crosbyravensworth. WILLIAM SPENCER VARNER, Esq.. second son of Thomas Tether, Esq., of Lowther Park House, to SUSANNAH, daughter of Lateceuir THWATTES. Esq., of Reagill Grange. near Crusbyravensworth. On the 8th, in St. George's Church, Dublin, FRANCIS RANKIN. Esq.. of Autiesbrook. Dublin, to ARABELLA, fourth daughter of the late Rev. RICHARD THOMAS HEARN, of Drumming Park. Longford.

On the lath, at Gumley. Leicestershire, WILLIAM WATTS junior, Esq., eldest son of W. Watts. Esq.. of Hanslupe Park, Bucks, ta CAROUSE. youngest daughter of the Rev. FREDERICK Armoire, hector of Gumley and Prebendary of Lincoln. On the 14th, at Burton Bassett, Warwickshire, Major BERNARD .M.MAHON. of the Bombay Army, to ELIZA MARY Aasr, youngest daughter of the Rev. Jens MORGAN. Vicar of Burton Bassett.

On the 14th. at Kirkella, Yorkshire. Auousrus WILLIAN GADESDEN. Esq., only son of James Gadesden, Esq.. of Ewell Castle, Surrey. to EMMA, eldest daughter of only BARKWORTII, Esq., orTranby House, in the East Riding. On the 16th, at St. Pancras Church, Captain PAGE WOTT.IN CLARKE, of the 211 Regi- ment of Grenadier Bombay N.I., son of the late Edward Daniel Clarke, LL.D.. of Jesus College, Cambridge, to MARY, fourth daughter of THOMAS JOSHUA PLATT, Esq., one of her Majesty's Counsel. On the 19th. at St. George's. Hanover Square, Sir Jolts Easruoex. Bart., M.P.. to ELIZABETH. eldest daughter of the late Colonel SKYRING, of the Royal Artillery, and widow of Major Lown.te, of the same regiment. On the 19th, at Boated Church, Captain P. W. HAMILTON. R.N.. to CHARLOTTE HELEN WELLER, eldest daughter of GEORGE WELLER POLEY. Esq.. of Boated Hall, Suffolk.

On the 19th. at Kempsford. Gloucestershire, the Rev. EDWARD LEIGH Bererrr. son of the late Rev. John Leigh Bennett. of Thorpe Place, Surrey. to ANNE Hannos, eldest daughter of the Rey. THOMAS HUNTINGFORD. Vicar of Kempsfurd. On the 19.11, at St. Mary's. Bryanston Square, DIOHY. second son of the late Rev. JOHN DAMPIER. M.A.. of Colinshays, Somerset. to AMELIA MARIA. youngest daughter of the late STEPHEN HOWELL PHILLIPS. Esq.. re Upper Seymour Street, l'ortmau Square. On the 20th, at St. G. orge's, Hanover Square, Lord DALMENY. eldest son of the Earl Of ROSEBERY, to Lady WILHELMINA STANHOPE, only daughter of the Earl Statthoye. On the 20th, at Bishopthorpe PaltICO. HUMPHREY ST. JOHN MILDSIAY, E ,q., M.P., to Marianne, daughter of GRANVILLE HARCCURT VERNON. Esq., M.I'.


On the 27th August. At Placeucia, in Spain. a Carmelite nun, in her 108th year. She was seventy-nine years iu the cloister, and lived iu the reigns of five Spanish Kings and nine Popes.

On the 15th September, the Dowager Lady Hoar, relict of Sir John hurt, Bart., of Hortland, Kildare; in her 78th year.

On the 151h, 'futurists PARKER, Esq., late of Southall Greet'. Middlesex; in his 90th year.

On the 16th. at the Rectory, Liddingtnn. the Rey. M. Haar ; in his 51st year.

On the 17th, at Sidmouth. the Lady MARY Tamutta, daughter of the late and sister to the preseat blarquis of Heathort. On the 17th, at Baleaskie, GEORGIANA CHARLOTTE, wife Of J. H. LLOYD ANSTRUTHER, Esq., of Hintlesham Hall, Suffolk. On the 19 II. at Laudport House. Portsmouth, CAROLINE. wire of Colonel GEORGE CAHDEW, Commanding Royal Engineers of the South west uud Sussex District ; in her 61st year.

On the 19.h, at Meopham Bank. near Touluidge, Lieutenant-Colonel WILL'AIE LEIOHTON %Toon, formerly of the Fourth or King's Own Regiment; iu his 52th year. On the 21st. ChM, WEBRE, wife of Samuel. Webbe, of Turnham Green Terrace. and mother or thin late Egerton Writhe.

On the 22d, the Rey. JOHN CLAYTON, late of Great Gaines, Essex. for 49 years pastor of the church at the King's Weighhause Chapel, Loudon ; in his 831.11 year.

Recently, at Topsham, Devon, Mrs. Fuworr, widow of Captain D. Folliott, R.N. ; in her 92d year.

At Meolick, Galway, DOMINICK BLAKE. E.g.. second son of the late Sir Walter Blake. or Menlo. Bart.; iu his 88th year.