23 SEPTEMBER 1843, Page 22


BRITISH FUN DS. (Closing Prices.) Saturdayllonday. Tuesday. Wednes 3 per Cent. Consols 941 941 941 95 Ditto for Account 941 95 951 3 per Cents. Reduced shut 31 per Ceuta Reduced shut New 31 per Ceuta 102 1011 102 102 Long Annuities shut

Bank Stock, 7 per cent. shut

India Stock, 101 - 267 267 267 Exchequer Bills. lid. p. diem 61 pm. 60 59 61 India Bonds. 31 per cent - 71 pm. 69 FOREIGN FUNDS.

(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) 5 - Ditto (Deferred) 5 5 - Mississippi (Sterling) 6 6 - Neapolitan 5

6 - - New York (1858)

6 - Ohio 6 - Pennsylvania 3 -- Peruvian Portuguese 5 Ditto (Converted) Russian 5 Spanish 5 Ditto (Passive) Ditto (Deferred) South Carolina 5 p. Ct. Tennessee 6 - United States Bank

Virginia. 6 MINES- & lanos

Braziliau Imperial Ditto (St. John del Rey) British iron Candouga Cobre Copper


Cheltenham and Great Western Edinburgh and Glasgow Eastern Counties Grand Juuction Great Western Liverpool and Manchester London and Brighton London and Blackwell London and Greenwich London and Birmingham Loudon and Croydon Manchester and Leeds Midland Counties North Midland South-eastern and Dover South-western Thurs.


951 1021 62 69 ` Austrian Belgian Brazilian Buenos Ayres Cuba Chilinu Columbian of 1824 Danish Dutch (Ex 12 Guilders) .21 - Ditto (Ditto) 5 - French 3 - Ditto 5 - Indiana (Sterling) 5 - Illinois 6 - Kentucky 6 - Louisiana (Sterling) - Maryland (Sterling) 5 - Massacliussetts (Sterling)5 - Alabama (Sterling) 5 p. Ct. Mexican 5 p. Ct.

5 - Michigan 6

70 115 1051 761 271

1003 251 871 531 1011 55 5 6 5 6 (Last Official Quotation 851 361 4 4 219 111 791 ex d. 783 791 261 65 SHARES.

during the Week ending Friday Evening.) BANES-

Australasian British North American 10 Colonial London and Westminster - London Joint Stock - National of Ireland National Provincial

- Provincial of Ireland

491 Union of Australia

71 Union of London Deters-

East and West India London St. Katherine


Australian Agricultural British American Land Canada General Steam New Zealand Royal Mail Steam South Australian Van Diemen's Land Pridap, 951 951 1021 63 70 34 9/


83 55

623181 1143/41

19 41 101 16s.

141 23/ 111 14 40i




Gold, Foreign in liars ...per or. 31. 17s. 9d. Copper, British Cakes.per ton 701.01;4db:179 0 0

Old Spanish, or Pillar Dollars.. 0 0 0 Iron, British Bars 5 5 0 - 0 G0 Merriam Dollass.... 0 4 9i Lead, British Pig 16 0 0 -10 150 Silver in Bars, Standard 0 4 Me Steel, English 0 0 0 ■ 0 0 0

GRAIN, Mark Lane, September 22.

The supplies of English Wheat are moderate, and the demand continues very steady for all good qualities. whether New or 01.1, whilst the transactions today have been in some instances at a little improvement since Monday. Another advance in duty on Foreign Wheat having occurred• holders evince more confidence in the trade, and the beat qualities are held nt improved rates. There is less animation in the sales today, though Is. per quarter advance has been paid. In Barley, Beans, and Peas we have no material change to report, but sales proceed slowly. We have only moderate deli- veries of Oats during the week from Ireland and other parts, whilst there is no activity in the demand, the dealers and consumers still continuing to purchase for present wants only. Monday's prices are, however, tolerably well supported. Iu Malt or Flour no material change.

Wheat, Red Nee38 ■ o 44 Fine 46 ..50 Old 36 .. 40

White 42 .. 46

Fine 48 .. Sr SuperfineNew 48 ..56 Rye 25 to 32 Barley.... 24 .. 28 Malting 29..30 Mail, Ordinary 50 .. 52 Fine 56 58 Peas, Ilog 30 ..30 Maple 33 lo 34 White as . S1 Boilers 38 . 38 Beam, Ticks 28 . • as Old 29 .. 30 Harrow.. ,• • £9 .. al Oats, Feed . . 171018 Fine . 18..19 Poland . SI

Fine 21..>f4

Potato." 22 .. 28 Fine 23 24 AVERAGE PRICES OP CORN. Per Quarter (Imperial) of England and Wales. Wheat 55s. Ild Rye . 33s. 4d.

Barley-. 32 6 Beans ... 31 It

Oats ..... 20 5 Peas ..... • as 6

DUTY ON FOREIGN CORN For the present Week. Wheat 17s. Od1 Rye so. Od Barley 6 0 Beans .. .. 10 4

Oats 6 0 Peas . 9 •


rown.macte ....... .........per sack 451. to 50s.

Eases and Suffolk, on board ship... 35 - 40 Norfolk and Stockton 30 -- 35 BRAN per quarter W. to Os. POLLARD, fine Os. to Os.

BREAD, 73. to 844. the 416. Leaf.


BUTTER-Rest Fresh, Ito. Od per dm. Carlow, M. 10s. to 81.16s. par cat. BACON, Small Old, per ern-. Or. to Os. CHEESE. Cheshire 46s • to 80s, Derby Plain 5i.. to Ms. HAMS, York 09s. to 110e.

EGGS, French... per 120 4s. 6d to 7a. ed.



Beef 24. ed to as. Od. to 3,, 4d. 25. 8d. to as 03 to es. Oil.

Mutton 2 8 .. El 0 . 3 C 8 0 .. 3 4 .. 4 4 Veal 0 8 .. 3 4 .. 4 0 a 0 . II 6 .. 4 6

Pork 2 4 .. lt El .. 4 4 8 4 . 3 8 .. 4 6 Lamb 3 4 .. 4 0 .. 4 4 ... .... 5 8 .. 4 2 .. 5 0 • To sink the orTal-per 81bs. HEAD OF CATTLE AT SMITHFIELD.

Resols. Sheep. Calem. Pres.

Z1=14 ...... ...... .... ..3,17. --- - si'a; 804 820 HOPS. I POTATOES.

Kent Pockets. 105, to 130s. York Reds per t.n 80s. to ION.

Choice Ditto 130 - 170 Scotch Reds 40 - 70

omen Pockets Ito - 112 Devom 50 - 70 uperfine Ditto lie - 120 Kent end Essex Whites 51 - 55

HAY AND STRAW. (Per Load of 36 Trusses.)


55. aos .. 48s.

76 . et 0 0 o o. 0

86 115 95 .. 108 0 0 .. 57 90 30 .. 43 84 .. 36 0 0 BO .. 45 Hay, Good Inferior New Clover Wheat Straw


Rape Oil ......... .....per met it. 17.. 03 Refined 0 0 0

Linseed 011 I 12 0

Linseed °Reek, per MOO 0 0 0 CANDLES, per dozen, 0..0d. to Os. Od. Mould. (6d. per dor.discount) 01.03.

COALS, Hellos res. ed.

Tee. 18, 04. GROCERIES.

TEA, Bohen,fine, p lb. Oa. 0,1. -0 0.

con 0u, One ..... 9 -2 6

Soocnona, tine .. . . 1 8 -3 0

• In Bond-D'uty 2s. Id.per lb. COFFEE, fine (in bd) per cot. 105.. to141A Good Ordinary 54. to El, SUGAR 510-coved° . per cwt. 3a..iota.

West India Molasses. Ms.