23 SEPTEMBER 1848, Page 10



good; prices have, however, been occasionally depressed whenever the intelligence firmation, a proposal for a dividend of 34 per cent for the current half-year: this is more abundant than ever; the rate of commercial discount and for loans for dividend has been carried against the Directors. It remains to be seen whether this decision will be affirmed by the ballot, which is to take place on Wednesday next. We cannot learn that any transactions have occurred in the Stock since will either buy or sell until the present question is determined. Consols have fluctuated between 86 and 864. The general aspect of the market has been from France or Germany has been unfavourable. The closing quotations today are 864 for Money, and 864 4 for Account—nearly the same as last week. Money was met by a proposition to increase the dividend to 41 per cent; which upon being put to the vote was carried—the second time that a proposition for an increased yesterday. Indeed, for obvious reasons, it can hardly be expected that any one the Proprietors. At the usual quarterly meeting of the Proprietary, held yester- day, the Directors were unanimous in submitting to the Proprietors, for con-

The principal event of the week has been the defeat 'of the Bank Directors by short periods being from 2 to 21 per cent. The Foreign Funds are without material change or business of importance.

A considerable improvement is observable in the Railway Share Market: most of the principal lines are from 21. to 61. higher than on Saturday. Thus, Great Western, which were then from 72 to 74, are today quoted at 77 and 79. North- western, which were then from 1064 to 108, are today from 109/ 1104; Midland, -from 811 82, are today marked 84 and 841. In some of the smaller Shares, the proportional improvement has been nearly as great: thus, Caledonian, from 181, have advanced to /01, and are today at 204. South-western, from 351, have advanced to 384. Eastern Counties, North British, North Staffordshire, Oxford Worcester and Wolverhampton, and Brighton, are all higher than last week. We cannot, however, notice any eagerness for purchase. The great depreciation at which many of the Shares are current, seems rather to deter than induce in- vestments. The Foreign Share List is almost as complete a blank as the Foreign Stock List. Some few transactions have occurred in the Shares of the Boulogne, Amiens, Northern of France, and Paris and Lyons lines; but the bar- gains, like the fluctuations, have been insignificant.

The accounts of the Bank of England for the week ending the 16th September exhibit when compared with those of the preceding week, the following remits-

DANKINd DEPARTMENT. Increase. Demean.

Rest £ 3,043 Public Deposits 736,093 Other Deposits Seven-day and other Bills Government Securities, including Dead-weight Other Securities Notes unissued Actual Circulation

188UE Dee.taximirr

Notes issued 239,865 Bullion 154,799

This week. Last west.

„ 9 9


The English Funds are steady at yesterday's quotations, with but few transac- tions. The Foreign Funds are without change. The Railway Share Market is firm, the quotations of yesterday being in most cases fully supported. The amount of business of every kind transacted is, however, quite insignificant; the following are the principal bargains as yet recorded: Caledonian, Preference, 24; East Lincolnshire, 231; Great Western, Quarter-shares, 164; Lancashire and Yorkshire, Thirds, (registered,) 24; North-western, 1101; Midland, 841; South Wales, 94; Orleans and Bordeaux, 1; Sambre and Meuse, 24. 3 per Cent Consols 86 1 Danish 3 per Cents 67 70 Ditto for Account 861 1 Dutch 24 per Cents 441 51 3 per Cent Reduced abut Ditto 4 per Cents 701 11 31 per Cents shut Mexican 5 per Cents 1846 ... 161 17 Long Annuities shut New Granada 11 12 Bank Stock shut Portuguese N.4 perCents 1842 211 21 Exchequer Bills 26 88prem. Portuguese Old 1824 68 71

India Stock' — Russian 5 per Cents 98 100 Brazilian 5 per Cents 74.6 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 114 12

Belgian 44 per Cents 70 2 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 221'34 Buenos Ayres 21 3 Venezuela 14 16 Chillan 6 per Cents 84 6

212,878 171,736 397,160

£40,571 457 157,295 Total Bunion in both Departments 13,821,691 13,666,482 Actual Circulation