23 SEPTEMBER 1882, Page 1

The feeling of Europe on the occupation of Cairo is

much divided. The Germans and Austrians apparently intend to support British proposals, if they involve no annexation. The Russians, French, Italians, and Spaniards are all bitter, loudly demand that England shall submit to Europe, and insist that we promised to restore the status quo. These, however, are the opinions of journalists, among whom, especially in Italy, the ex-Khedive Ismail may have some influence, and the states- men, M. Gambetta excepted, have not yet spoken. His journal pleads, with almost pathetic reiteration, that Britain will be most unwise to irritate France in Egypt, and should, therefore, restore the Joint Control. It may, however, be stated, that, speaking broadly, Central Europe is content, Russia suspicious, France sore with jealousy, and the Mediter- ranean States enraged. Italy and Spain alike appear to dread some result which is not defined, but which may possibly be French ascendancy on the south coast of the Mediterranean. There can be no doubt that Sir Garnet Wolseley, in taking Tel-el-Kebir, took Tunis and western Algeria, if not Morocco, for the French.