23 SEPTEMBER 1899, Page 22

Bulawayo Up-to-Date. Edited and enlarged by Walter H. Wills and

J. Hall, jun. (Simpkin, Marshall, and Co. 2s. net.)—" A General Sketch of Rhodesia" is the sub-title of this volume. It will easily be seen, therefore, that it includes many things which it will be discreet for the ordinary critic to leave alone. There is historical matter, notably a narrative of the Matabele war, and financial matter, as, for instance, an estimate of the position of the Chartered Company, and of mine prospects. Other sub. jects dealt with are of a neutral kind. The reader may learn the cost of living in Bulawayo (double as much as the cost of living in London), the outfit necessary for the traveller in clothes, food, medicine, means of transport, &c. There are some easily intels ligible directions as to dealing with common forms of sickness, malarial fever, e.g., which " the newcomer is certain to suffer from," and " blackwater fever," an aggravated form of the malarial. It is satisfactory to be told that " snake-bite " can be cured. "I was successful," says the writer of the chapter (under the initials ".T. G."), "in the two cases in which I employed injections of ammonia with the hypodermic needle above and around the punc- tures." We are glad to see the very friendly language in which the efforts of the missionary societies, Roman, Anglican, and Non- conformist, are spoken of.