23 SEPTEMBER 1905, Page 2

The Dominion Trades and Labour Congress, sitting at Toronto, has

vigorously repudiated the statements recently made with regard to Mr. Chamberlain's policy by the repre- sentatives of the Canadian Manufacturers' Association on their tour through the United Kingdom. After a lively dis- cussion, a resolution was carried endorsing the attitude of the British Trade-Union Congress, and expressing the belief that "the injustice done to the wage-workers of the Motherland is a blow either directly or indirectly at the wage-workers of Canada, and would ultimately attach added burdens to the already overburdened Canadian working class." In this con- text it should be noted that the official Trade Returns for the fiscal year ended June 30th show a continued decrease in imports from Great Britain to Canada, in spite of the Pre. ferential Tariff, while the purchases from the United States increased over 7,000,000 dollars, reaching a total of 166,040,890 dollars, or nearly three times the value of British imports.