23 SEPTEMBER 1905, Page 2

We are delighted to see a vigorous plea for universal

physical training of a military nature, including the use of the rifle, made by Dr. Macnamara, M.P., in Friday's Daily Chronicle. Dr. Macnamara is as much against conscription —i.e., compulsory service—as we are ; but he realises the immense moral and physical advantages of giving all boys a sound physical training. Dr. Macnamara insists, and as we think most wisely, that such instruction should not stop too early. He would make physical training and drill, including the use of the rifle, a special feature in all continuation schools, and compel all boys between fourteen and twenty to give two hours a night on at least two nights a week to such training. "I would train every male youth," he declares, "in the use of the rifle." We congratulate Dr. Macnamara on his

courage and straightforwardness in speaking out on this matter, and sincerely trust that it may iinthe long before he will be in a position to help in carrying out his sound and patriotic scheme, with which we differ in but one particular. We would make the continuation training obligatory only up to eighteen. We believe that he will have the support of all the best elements in the nation, both Liberal and Conservative, for we are sure that the Liberals are not going to be frightened into keeping our young men untrained in one of a free man's duties by the bogey of an alleged militarism. We hate militarism from the bottom of our hearts; but while we are sure that the British people will reject, and rightly reject, universal compulsory service in any shape or form. we are equally sure that if the matter is properly put before them, they will agree to a well-thought-out scheme for universal physical training for boys and lads up to eighteen.