23 SEPTEMBER 1905, Page 23

"The Doctor Says." (Sidney Appleton. 3s. 6d. net.)—The sub- title

of this volume runs thus : "A Book of Advice for the Household, with Practical Hints for the Preservation of Health and the Prevention of Disease." It will easily be seen that it covers a large range of subject, and that the contents are not suitable for particular criticism. We must be content, therefore, with the general remark that it seems a very sensible and com- plete handbook and guide for the practice of domestic medicine_ It is clear and precise, and not without an occasional touch of humour. One or two things we may quote. " Milk is more• digestible raw than cooked." "If it has been boiled, mix with soda. or lime-water." " I believe that tobacco-smoking saves many a teetotaler from breaking his pledge." Our author's judgment on the use of alcohol is adverse, but it is not put in any concentrated form. In fact, it is moderated by various considera- tions, though hostile in its general bearing.