23 SEPTEMBER 1955, Page 27


ACROSS 1 A bend on the road at the lock (7). 1

5 A troupe of dancers produces an arabesque, it seems (7). 2 9 Gives polish to a sweeping bow (5). 3

10 Does she figure among advertisements for fasteners? (3-2, 4) 4 11 Pay for a wing in the yacht (6). 5

12 Only back rooms available here,

apparently (8). 6 14 A dramatic water-fly (5). 7 15 No doctor collects the negatives of the bones (9). 8

18 1 seem confused about a low singer in 13 these places (9). 16 20 The finishing school of today? (5) 22 The heart of Poe (4-4). 24 Initially, nothing (6).

26 I'm included in the condemnation and feeling it (9).

27 'How now my metal of —!' (Shake- speare) (5).

28 A church dignitary in the centuries

seeks retribution (7). 23 20 The issue's confused with the doctor (7).

DOWN Look here, Heaven knows what will happen next! (9) Sun lair (snag.) (7).

Do these irritating acts give one the needle? (9) Turn up for drinks (4).

Husband or home, it seems to ask (5, 5).

Tear along in Yorkshire (5).

Swiss hero gets up to put on his snow-shoe (7).

Fold the towel (5).

Alone he did it (10).

Or fortunate results of sea-bathing

(5 4).

'We take the Golden Road to -

(Hecker) (9).

The knight graduates with a lot missing (7).

Hid peas, but the garden pest has got them (7).

The girl provides a rising asset (5).

'In his hand the — became a trum- pet' (Wordsworth) (5).

I discover my mate in the side (4).

17 19 21 22 25

Two prizes will be awarded: a copy of the Do Luxe edition of Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary and a book token for one guinea. They will be awarded to the senders of the first two correct solutions opened af,er noun on October 4 and addressed: Crossword Nu. 853, 99 Gower St., London, WCI.

Chambers't Twentieth Centroet Dictionary, New Version. is recommended for Crosswords.