23 SEPTEMBER 1966, Page 17


ACROSS I. Financial statement a debutante may expect to have (6) 4. A step-up from the woodshed on the Presidential path (3-5) 8. Fate of the spinner (8) Daring change for an Italian diplomat (6)

12. Stein upset needs a corner (5)

13. Good pull-up called for (9) 14. There's a hand out for his hand-out presumably (5) 16. No sign of activity in the eponymous castle (9) 17. Dance-frock (9) 19. Here's a basket for Ma! (5)

21. 'It may be, in yon smoke —, Your comrades chase e'en now the fliers' (Clough) (9) 22. Protector makes a great change (5) 2.4. Like a Moore-ish night (6)

25. Worshipper avowedly procrastinatory (8) 26. Starts the ball, but not with TUC approval! (4-4) 27. Posted as ill in bed (6' DOWN

z. Caresses from a dun at work? (7) 2. Adorns the cards (5)

3. Prince with a vote (7)

5. A warm drink? (7)

6. Musicians get small change when handkerchiefs are needed (9)

7. The artless simplicity of the French (7) 9. Not qualifying as a parti presumably (to) IL He's so unrestrained, the coot! (to)

15. A saintly missive (9)

57. His Demoiselles d'Avignon went to New York (7)

18. Patts of a disc-jockey's equipment are almost superfluous (7) 59. Antipodean exponent of the waltz (7)

20. The girl's a revolutionary with her coat off (7) 23. Coming up later, says T. Lear confusedly (5)

Solution next week,


ACROSS.-1 Anchor. 4 Put about. to Massage. I: insular. 12 Grip. 13 Cadaverous. 16 Ragout. 17 Implied. 20 Founder. 21 Stalky. 24 Pleasantry. 2s Spar. 27 Kittens. 29 Carlist. 3o Dressing. 31 Fagged.

DOWN.-1 Armigcrs. 2 Casting vote. j Oval. 5 Up in arms. 6 Austerlitz. 7 Clwl. 8 Thrush. 9 Cedar. 14 Overlapping. 15 Burnishers. to Tennyson. 19 Hydrated. 22 Spiked. 23 Grace. 26Proa.28Toe.