23 SEPTEMBER 1978, Page 55


Sir: Since racism in general and antisemitism in particular are still common in this country, it is good that at least one serious paper still publishes racist and anti-semitic material, so that we can read the kind of thing that is normally only Spoken; but your latest example is rather puzzling. In their attacks on the television series Holocaust (9 September), Christopher Booker complains that the Jewish family 'was played by conspicuously un-Jewish looking actors', and Richard Ingrams complains that the Jewish characters were shown 'lacking any obvious Jewish characteristics'. As a non-Jew and a non-Zionist with many Jewish friends and enemies, married to a member of a family scarred and scattered by the Holocaust, I must say that I am unable to identify Jewish looks or characteristics. Could either of your contributors give some facts to support their fantasies? I agree with most of the attacks on the series, but surely its one overwhelming merit is that, like Roots, it has reached millions of people who didn't know or care about the subject, and helped to re-open a question which should never be closed.

Nicolas Walter 134 Northumberland Road, Harrow, Middlesex