24 APRIL 1830, Page 8


VP= the absurdity and indecorum of the altercation between two performers on the Drury Lane stage, it is quite tuinecessary to offer a remark ; and it were equally superfluous to point out the folly of the management, which, aware of the combustible state of the vocal minds, brought them into contact in amatory relations, the most un- suited to their mutual flames of discord. But it is just and proper to observe, that the newspaper accounts of this foolish affair are gene- rally tinctured with some ill-will to the lady, for which we know not how to account, except by supposing in the reporters that persecut- ing zeal for morals which is said to inflame the virtue of old-maiden tea-tables. Certain it is, that no performer receives so hard a mea- sure from the press as Madame VESTRIS ; her merits are sneered at, and for her faults, or occasional lapses, there is no indulgence. Of the opportunity which the late impropriety has afforded, ample ad- vantage has been taken by the theatrical reporters of the daily press ; who seem, and perhaps correctly, to have felt that their wits were not too sharp to be directed against a female with their uttermost force and unsparing hostility.