24 APRIL 1841, Page 10



The business of the week has not been extensive, neither have the fluctua- tions of the English Funds been considerable. The Money-market has, how- ever, evinced a tendency to an improvement in prices ; and at one time Con- sols were quoted * per cent, above the closing quotation of last week ; and in the course of yesterday there were buyers of Consols at soil for Account. This- morning the price is not quite so high, and all the current varieties of Stock at one period experienced a decline of from * to j per cent, upon yester- day's quotations ; but the depression was but momentary; prices again rallied, and close within a shade of those of yesterday. Consols for Money, which were at 90i, have been done today at 90,1, while the price for Account,. Which wits at 904, has been as low as sq. Reduced Three-per-Cents., which were at 894, have been at 89/, while New Three-and-a-half per Cents., which were at 994, have been quoted at 99; and Reduced Three-and-a-half per Cents., which were at 981, have been at 971. Bank Stock continues to improve, and has been done at 1734, but has since been quoted at 1721. The premium upon Exchequer Bills has advanced Is., and is 14s. to 16s. India Bonds are also quoted today at 3s. premium ; while India Stock has advanced to 256. The attention of the capitalists has been again attracted to the state of the Foreign Exchanges; and as there has been a decline in the rates of exchanges generally upon the Continent, it is anticipated that the like result will soon be produced here ; and we are inclined to refer the fall of this morning to the anticipation alluded to. The transactions upon the Royal Exchange this afternoon mark a general heaviness in the current rates, and in some instances business was done at lower rates than on Tuesday. On Wednesday, the letters by the Dutch mail brought intelligence from the Hague, that it was not the intention of the Finance Minister to avail himself of the unissued balance of the last contracted loan, and that consequently the usual creation of Stock for raising money to pay the dividend due in July would not take place. The Dutch Stock has consequently improved in value both here and in the home market ; the advance in the price of Two- and-a-half per Cents, having been about 4 per cent., and that in the value of the Five per Cents. about 1 per cent. The other Northern European Stocks are firm, at a slight advance in our last prices. The only transaction of note in the Portuguese Securities was the purchase on Monday of about 60,000/. New Five per Cent. Stock, by a broker who is the agent for some Lisbon merchants. The price of this security has conse- quently advanced, and been as high as 291. This operation gave a tone to Portuguese Bonds generally and the Five per Cents. (Regency) were on that day done at 344 and the Three per Cents. at 204; but the prices of all have since given way from 1 to 1 per cent.; and though a trifling reaction has again occurred, the market is not lively, Spanish Active Stock has been more in demand, in consequence of some purchases by brokers who usually act for for foreign speculators. It appears by the last advices from Madrid and Paris, that there is a great probability of a speedy and peaceable settlement of the Regency question; and as a contrary belief had previously prevailed, Spanish Stock has risen in Paris to the extent of 1, and of about 4 per cent, in our market.

The South American Funds have been steady, within a trifle of our last quo- Sons; and Mexican are heavy at about 4 per cent. lower. The demand for Railway Shares has been almost entirely confined to Great Western, Croydon, and Brighton, which had all improved from 1/. to 2/. per Share ; but during the last few days the prices of all of them have given way to nearly the full extent of the rise.


The transactions of the morning have been very few, and many of the prices of English and Foreign Funds given below are only nominal. In the Foreign Market, the transactions have been confined to a single bargain in Dutch Two- and-a-half per Cents., and a few in Spanish Active : most of the current va- rieties of Stock are, however, firm at the quotations of yesterday: The South American • Bonds are all quoted higher ; viz. Columbian, 23 to 1; Chilian, 59 62; Buenos Ayres, 23 to 25; Peruvian, 174 18. Mexican are also firmer, being 3044. Among the Railway Shares, Birmingham and Gloucester have been done at 26 discount, and Brighton at 24 discount. The others are the ame as yesterday.


The English Funds do not close quite so firmly as in the morning; and in the course of the afternoon the price for Account has been as low as 904, the elosing being 901 for Money and 901 1 for Account. In the Foreign Market, prices continue nearly the same ; with the exception of Spanish Active -Stook, which has improved, and closes at 231 4. It is stated that the recent improvement in this security in Paris has been occasioned by some negotiations that are in progress with M. AGITADO and other capitalists, for the purpose of raising a loan and making some arrangement with the foreign creditors of Spain. The price, which was 234 4, has been forced up by purchases to 23/, and closes at the highest price—viz. 231 4 for the current account, and 23/, buyers, for the 15th May.

3 per Cent. Consols

Columbian 6 per Cents 23* Ditto for Account 90i * Danish 3 per Cents

77* 8/

3 per Cent. Reduced 89* 1 Dutch 21 per Cents

521 1 3i per Cent. Ditto

971 81 Mexican 5 per Cents. Coned.

301 1 New 3s. per Cents

99 Portuguese Regency 5 per Cts. 331 4* Bank Stock 1721 34- Ditto New 5 per Cents. 1841..

Exchequer Bills ..... ......

14 16 pm. Ditto 3 per Ceuta 20 1- India Stock 255 256 Russian 5 per Cents ..... ... 1121 131 Brazilian 5-per Cents. 69 70 Spanish (Active) 231 8 Belgian 5 per Gents 103 4